Gertrude in Hamlet: A Sensible Queen, Mother and Wife

Abstract William Shakespeare’s Hamlet is one of the most incredible plays in the world and there are a lot of literary reviews and analysis about it。 As for the characters in the play, Gertrude is the most heated discussed one next to Hamlet。 The cause of her being controversial is her remarriage; after all, marrying her brother-in-law within two months of the death of her husband is really unacceptable to most readers。 Therefore, in the eyes of these readers, she is selfish, fragile, ruthless and even overwhelmed by lust。 However, some scholars hold the view that though it seems she is weak and ignorant, in fact she is brave, wise and responsible。 I agree on the positive view, and believe that Gertrude considers the situation beyond her own interests when she is facing the choice of her remarriage。 As a queen, she has to take the national order and peace into account, to maintain the social stability; as a mother, she is concerned about Hamlet’s safety and prospect; as a wife, her remarriage can’t be evidence to show she doesn’t love King Hamlet at all but is an expedient measure。 All in all, she is a sensible queen, mother and wife。89693

Keyword: Gertrude; queen; mother; wife


摘  要英国最伟大的剧作家莎士比亚的代表作《哈姆雷特》是世界上最令人惊艳的剧作之一,有关评论和分析不计其数。就作品中的人物来看,除了哈姆雷特本人,其母乔特鲁德不得不说是最受热议的人物了。她的再嫁是她饱受争议的源头,毕竟在丈夫去世两个月之内就改嫁小叔子,让绝大部分读者无法接受,因此在这些读者眼里,她是一个自私脆弱、冷血无情、被情欲淹没的女人,然而有一部分学者认为乔特鲁德看似软弱无知,实则坚强勇敢、明智有担当。笔者较为赞同后者的观点,认为乔特鲁德在面临再嫁选择时,能从超乎自身的角度考虑。作为一国之后,她需要顾及整个国家的形势,维护社会稳定;作为母亲,她需要为儿子哈姆雷特的安危和前程考虑;作为妻子,她的再嫁并不能说明她对先王没有爱,只能说是权宜之计。总而言之,她是一位明智的王后、母亲与妻子。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网 原文+QQ75201,8766



I。 Introduction 1

1。1 Brief introduction to Hamlet 1

1。2 Literary reviews on Gertrude in Hamlet 2

1。3 significance of the study 4

II。 Gertrude as a queen 5

III。 Gertrude as a 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网 加QQ7520~18766 mother 6

IV。 Gertrude as a wife 9

4。1 wife of King Hamlet 9

4。2 wife of Claudius 11

V。 Conclusion 12

References 13

I。 Introduction

1。1 Brief introduction to Hamlet

William Shakespeare, one of the greatest English writers ever, is an outstanding playwright。 He is always referred to as England's national poet, and the "Bard of Avon"。 His works have been universally acknowledged and admired no matter in the west or east and no matter in scholarship or performance。 Respected poet as Shakespeare is, he appeared to be more renowned for his plays。 His plays are highly popular, and have made a lasting impression in perse cultural and political contexts throughout the world。 His early plays were primarily comedies and histories, and then he wrote mainly tragedies, considered some of the finest works in the English language, including Hamlet。 In his last phase, he wrote tragicomedies, also known as romances。 On Shakespeare, Ben Jonson once commented in his work To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author, Mr。 William Shakespeare (1618), “He was not of an age, but for all time!”论文网

















