Qualitative research 8

3。1。2 Quantitative research 10

3。2 Formation of Questionnaire of High School English Teacher’s identity 12

3。2。1 Structure of the questionnaire 12

3。2。2 Connotation of factors 13

3。3 Data analysis 14

3。3。1 Statistical analysis of quantized data 14

3。3。2 Analysis of qualitative data 19

4。 Discussion 24

4。1 The differences and similarities between ETPI of mixed ages in high schools 24

4。1。1 The similarities on ETPI from three generations 24

4。1。2 The differences on ETPI from three generations 25

4。2 The manifestation of identity crisis of high school English teachers 25

5。 Conclusion 26

6。 References 27

1。 Introduction

In recent years, during the process of digging out more practical value of professional identities of English teachers (hereafter ETPI), scholars in this field have made several definitions about it。 Varghese et。al (2005) pointed out that professional identity of an English teacher get changed and developed through language and discourse, the construction of which is based on the environment with continuity and compensation。 Beijaard et。al (2004) holds that the formation of teachers’ professional identity (hereafter TPI) is a process of teaching experience acquisition。 Farell (2011) insists that an English teacher act not only as a teaching organizer and a professional guider, but also a culture introducer, which successfully shape the character。 

However, so far the number of definitions made by domestic scholars has been comparatively small, most of which are based some foreign ones and thus put forward。 Hao Caihong (2010) has made an investigation on nine college English teachers about their professional identities and then set a logical definition about it as teachers’ integrated comprehension and meaningful construction on teaching, academic research and the whole education field。来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766

Still, some researches have been carried out to summarize the main findings of recent studies of TPI。 As is shown in a paper published in 2014, these findings were classified under three categories: a) the construction of TPI, b) the characteristics of TPI, and c) practicing teachers’ narration of TPI。 The core factors affecting TPI were also summarized in four categories related to perceptions and notions of professional community, as will be mentioned in the following discourses。 

One paper by Abbas Zare-eea, * and Fatemeh Ghasedib issued in 2014 in Social and Behavioral Sciences was aimed at student teachers in their EFL in a major university in Central Iran who sought for more cultural knowledge of English-speaking countries, expected an urgent demand for the use of the Internet, audio-visual materials and multicultural listening, speaking, reading and writing materials, which shows huge similarity with Chinese English teachers because China is also non-English-speaking country but considers English as the most important foreign language in recent years。 Besides, English has always been a required course from very early years。 So based on this similarity, the study, as a valuable reference, has laid a solid foundation for my further exploration。

















