In addition to the laws of chivalry, Gawain must respect another set of laws concerning courtly love。 The knight’s code of honor requires him to do whatever a damsel asks。 Gawain must accept the girdle from the Lady, but he must also keep the promise he has made to his host that he will give whatever he gains that day。 Gawain chooses to keep the girdle out of fear of death, thus breaking his promise to the host but honoring the lady。 Upon learning that the Green Knight is actually his host (Bertilak), he realizes that although he has completed his quest, he has failed to be virtuous。 This test demonstrates the conflict between honor and knightly duties。 In breaking his promise, Gawain believes he has lost his honor and failed in his duties。

And the character of Green Knight has been seen a major symbolism。 Scholars have puzzled over the Green Knight's symbolism since the discovery of the poem。 He could be a version of the Green Man, a mythological being connected with nature in medieval art, a Christian symbol, or the Devil himself。 British medieval scholar C。 S。 Lewis said the character was "as vivid and concrete as any image in literature" and J。 R。 R。 Tolkien said he was the "most difficult character" to interpret in Sir Gawain。 His major role in Arthurian literature is that of a judge and tester of knights, thus he is at once terrifying, friendly, and mysterious。 He appears in only two other poems: The Greene Knight and King Arthur and King Cornwall。 Scholars have attempted to connect him to other mythical characters, such as Jack in the green of English tradition and to Al-Khidr, but no definitive connection has yet been established。

1。2 The Creation Background of the Work论文网

    Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is written in the late 14th century and it is a Middle English chivalric romance。 It was written in long alliterative lines with the rhyme scheme of ababa。 It plays a very important role in literature for the reason that it represents all of the following poetic genres, Arthurian romance poetry, medieval alliterative poetry and epic poetry。 It was a time when feudalism had a rapid development。 With the development of feudalism, the “Knight” class also had a rapid development。 Knights are originally meant those servants who live in the lord’s hall and serve in the war when it comes。 They are responsible for protecting and fighting for the king when it is necessary。 Later, the great barons gave land to knights on condition that they should be ready to fight when called upon。 The political power had heated conflicts with the religious authority as well as the conflicts that the serfs and peasants have against feudal lords。 At that time, the literature style “romance” was very popular, and the story was also written in this style。 Romance is a tale 

in verse, embodying the life and adventures of knights, reflecting the spirit of chivalry, such as royalty and bravery。 The main contents of it are love, chivalry and religion。 With its magnificent description, it conducts the ideal qualities of Chivalry and it is the quintessence of medieval feudal aristocratic culture。

1。3 The Gist of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

   It is one of the best known Arthurian stories, with its magnificent description involving many ethical, religious, adventurous plots。 The Green Knight is regarded as a representation of the folklore and as an allusion to Christ。 Sir Gawain is a guard of the religious beliefs, the king, and the noblewomen。 

It describes how Sir Gawain, a knight of King Arthur's Round Table, accepts a challenge from a mysterious "Green Knight" who challenges any knight to strike him with his axe if he will take a return blow in a year and a day。 Gawain accepts and beheads him with his blow, at which the Green Knight stands up, picks up his head, and reminds Gawain of the appointed time。 Gawain struggles to keep his bargain; he demonstrates chivalry and loyalty until his honor is called into question by a test involving Lady Bertilak, the lady of the Green Knight's castle。 

















