Abstract Pride and Prejudice is the representative work of Jane Austen, a British critical realism woman writer of the late 18th and early 19th century。 It describes the love story of four young couples represented by the development of Elizabeth and Mr。 Darcy’s love, which reflects the social communicative life and people’s occlusive minds in British countryside through the description of Mr。 Darcy’s “pride” and Elizabeth’s “prejudice” against Darcy。 It is the most important work of Jane Austen and receives worldwide popularity。 And the rhetoric use of irony is Austen’s most significant feature and the essence of her language arts。 It is successfully applied in this masterpiece that shapes a lot of vivid characters and develops a thought-provoking theme。 Irony can be classified as verbal irony, dramatic irony and situational irony。 This essay deals with the repeated use of irony in Pride and Prejudice, and the contribution of irony to characterization, plot development and theme expression in this work。90409

 Key Words: Jane Austen; Irony; characterization; plot development; theme 


摘要《傲慢与偏见》是简·奥斯汀,18世纪末19世纪初英国评判现实主义女作家的一部代表作。小说描述了四桩婚姻,以主人公达西和伊丽莎白的爱情故事为主线,以宾格利和简、柯林斯和夏洛特、韦翰和莉迪亚的婚姻为辅,针对达西先生的“傲慢”与伊丽莎白对达西的“偏见”,生动形象地向读者展现了十九世纪初英国中上阶层的生活状态与交际文化。反讽修辞手法是简·奥斯汀作品中最重要的特点与语言的精髓。在这一部小说中,奥斯汀反讽手法的成功运用既刻画了大量生动形象的人物,同时也抒发了耐人寻味的主题。反讽大致可分为三类,语言反讽、戏剧反讽和情境反讽。本文将探讨在《傲慢与偏见》这部作品中多次反复使用的反讽手法在塑造人物形象、组织情节以及主题表现这三方面的作用。源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766



Introduction 1

1。 Information about Jane Austen 1

2。 Literature Review about Irony 1

1。 Verbal Irony in Characterization 3

1。1 Main Character 3

1。1。1 Elizabeth Bennet 3

1。1。2 Mr。 Darcy 4

1。2。 Minor Character 5

1。2。1 Mrs。 Bennet and Lady Catherine 5

1。2。2 Wickham and Miss Bingley 7

2。 Dramatic Irony in Plot Development 9

3。 Situational Irony in Theme Development 11

Conclusion 13

References 14


1。 Information about Jane Austen

Jane Austen, a British nineteenth-century novelist, has been widely recognized as a classical writer through the appreciation by readers and identification by critics over the past 200 years。 As the contemporary critic Edmund Wilson says, “There are several interesting revolutions in Britain during the past 100 years。 The renovation of literature has influenced the reputation of all the writers, except that Shakespeare’s and Jane Austen’s are enduring。” (Zhu Hong, 1985: 136) As a female writer, Austen uses her unique delicate insight and sense of humor to describe country lifestyle in Britain during the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century。 Jane Austen’s creation takes the place of the sentimental gothic novels by humor and reason, which opens the climax of realism in the thirties。 Jane Austen produces six works in her life。 According to the published time order, they are Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), Mansfield Park (1814), Emma (1815), Northanger Abbey (1818) and Persuasion (1818)。 Among them, Pride and Prejudice is Austen’s most significant work which established her lofty status in the literary world。 The story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of making hasty judgements and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential with Elizabeth and Darcy’s love story as the main line。 It conveys an idea that marriage must be based on love instead of property。 (Sun Zhihong, 2015) It is a masterpiece carefully crafted by Jane Austen using the rhetoric of irony。 It is irony that makes the story more interesting and the characters more vivid。 Irony becomes the most remarkable feature of Jane Austen’s novel and the essence of Jane Austen’s language。 

















