The Wildness and Humanity in The Call of the Wild 

Abstract The Call of the Wild is one of Jack London's masterpieces, adopts a dog - Buck as the protagonist, telling a story of Buck’s change from a pet dog to a wild wolf, and his return to the wild forest。 Various kinds of people and various kinds of dogs are described in this story。 From the characterization of these people and dogs, it is argued that humanity and wildness are not separately embodied in each of them; sometimes human beings also have wildness, wild animals also have humanity。 Based on the plots of the novel, this thesis aims to analyze the humanity and wildness embodied in human beings and wild animals, the theme of the survival of the fittest theory and humanitarian, also the reflection of wildness and humanity in the society。

Key words: The Call of the Wild; wildness; humanity; survival of the fittest; humanitarian


摘    要 《野性的呼唤》是杰克·伦敦最负盛名的小说之一,小说以一条狗——巴克作为主人公,讲述了巴克从宠物狗被变卖成为雪橇犬,最后找回野性回归荒野的故事。故事中我们能看到形形色色的人和形形色色的狗,从这些人与狗的身上我们能看到人性与野性并不是单单存在于其中一方身上的,某些时候人也具有野性,动物也存在着人性。本论文将从小说中的各个事件故事着手,分析小说中人类与动物身上所体现出的人性与野性,并对小说适者生存与人道主义的主题及野性与人性在现实社会中的映射进行浅析。90459



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 A brief introduction of 源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网 原文+QQ75201.,8766 The Call of the Wild 1

1。2 Literature review 1

2。 The wildness and humanity in The Call of the Wild 4

2。1 The wildness and the humanity embodied in wild animals 4

2。1。1 Cruelty 4

2。1。2 Originality 5

2。1。3 Kindness 5

2。1。4 Loyalty 6

2。2 The humanity and the wildness embodied in human beings 7

2。2。1 Kindness 7

2。2。2 Greed, selfishness and indifference 8

2。2。3 Cruelty 9

3。 Theme and reflections 10

3。1 The theme of the story 10

3。1。1 Survival of the fittest 10

3。1。2 Humanitarianism 10

3。2 Reflection of society 11

4。 Conclusion 13

References 14

1。 Introduction

1。1 A brief introduction of The Call of the Wild

The Call of the Wild is a short adventure novel which was written by Jack London。 Jack London, one of the most famous American writers。 This novel was written under the background of the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, when strong sled dogs were in high demand。 The novel was published in 1903 and brought Jack London his first success。 Critic Maxwell Geismar called The Call of the Wild “a beautiful prose poem”; editor Franklin Walker said that it “belongs on a shelf with Walden and Huckleberry Finn”; and novelist E。L。 Doctorow called it “a mordant parable 。。。 his masterpiece。”

















