Abstract During the student teacher experience, the author finds many different kinds of lexical errors in the English writings by the middle school students。 The author collects 633 lexical errors from 150 compositions written by 60 Grade Two students in Hangzhou Jialvyuan Middle School。 Then the author pides these lexical errors in two categories: formal errors and semantic errors。 More specifically, formal errors mainly include misspelling, misusage of word form, and confusion of parts of speech。 Semantic errors mainly include confusion of sense relations, collocation errors, and word-for-word translation。 In addition, the author does a questionnaire survey on students’ vocabulary learning。 Through the error analysis and the feedbacks of the questionnaire, the author finds that the main causes of lexical errors can be ascribed to the negative transfer of native language, inadequate teaching strategies and inefficient learning strategies。 Finally, the author provides some pedagogical suggestions in English teaching and learning。85187

Key words: middle school students ; English writing; lexical errors; error analysis; learning strategy; teaching strategy


在初中英语教学实践中,作者发现中学生英语写作中存在着各式各样的词汇错误。作者收集了来自杭州嘉绿苑中学60位初二学生的150篇英语考试作文,识别了633处词汇错误。接着作者将这些词汇错误分为“形式错误”和“意义错误”两大类别。其中“形式错误”主要包括拼写错误、词形错误和词性错误,而“意义错误”主要包括意义关系的混乱、词汇搭配错误和逐字翻译错误。除此之外,作者还对60位初二学生进行了有关词汇学习的问卷调查。通过进一步的错误分析,并结合问卷调查结果,作者发现造成词汇错误的原因主要为母语的负迁移,不适当的教学策略和学习策略。最后,作者提出了对英语教与学的几点建议。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766

毕业论文关键词: 初中生;英语写作;词汇错误;错误分析; 学习策略;教学策略


Acknowledgements -1

Abstract -2


1。 Introduction -6

1。1 Research Background 6

1。2 Research Significances -6

2。 Relevant Theories 8

2。1 Perspective of Error 8

2。1。1 Definitions of Error-8

2。1。2 Error and Mistake 8

2。1。3 Significances of Error 8

2。2 Perspective of Lexical Error 9

    2。2。1 Views on Lexical Error 9

    2。2。2 Classifications of Lexical Error-9

2。3 Error Analysis 12

2。3。1 Definitions of Error Analysis 12

2。3。2 Significances of Error Analysis12

3。 Previous Researches 13

3。1 Researches on Lexical Errors Abroad 13

3。2 Researches on Lexical Errors in China -13

3。3 Summary of the Previous Studies -14

4。 Research Methodology -15

4。1 Research Purposes 15

4。2 Research Questions -15

4。3 Research Subjects -15

4。4 Research Methods -15

4。5 Research Procedures 16

5。 Results and Discussion 17

5。1 The Lexical Errors in Research Subjects’ Compositions 17

5。2 The Results of the Questionnaires 20

5。3 The Causes of Lexical Errors 22

5。4 The Pedagogical Suggestions in English Teaching and learning -23

6。 Conclusion -24

References 25

Appendix -26


1。 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

In 2001, the Chinese Ministry of Education redacts that one of the main tasks of the National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education is to enable students to master basic English language knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing so that they form sufficient competence in using language(Wang Qiang, 2006)。 Writing, as one of four basic English language skills, is the medium and substance used by languages as vehicles for communication (Dai Weidong& He zhaoxiong, 2013)。 It plays an important role in English learning and communication which reflects students’ comprehensive capacity。 However, during the teaching practice, the author has found that middle school students have great difficulties in English writing。 There are many errors in their writings, especially the lexical errors。 

















