A Study of the Impact of Self-regulated Learning on the Learning outcomes in English Among Senior High School Students
Self-regulation is a very important factor in the process of learning and it is widely accepted that self-regulation is the basis of obtaining good learning outcomes。 As for the topic “self-regulated learning”, some foreign researchers have studied about its definition, concept, dimensions or on different groups of people。 However, the research about about the impact of self-regulated learning on the learning outcome in English among senior high school has not been studied ever before but it’s quite necessary to know the result of this research whatever for senior high school student’s learning or for future study。 Thus I chose this as the title of paper。 The paper aims to study the impact of the self-regulated learning(human exercise of control over oneself, especially through activating the most effective strategies, in order to bring the self into line with preferred standards to learn)on the learning outcomes in English among senior high school students。 In this research, 199 participants from Huzhou Senior High School finished the self-control and self-regulated learning skills questionnaires at the beginning of the project and the data was collected to investigate the research question。 Meanwhile, the research took the grades in the mid-term exam in Autumn,2016 as pre-test and the self-regulated learning strategies would be applied to the participants。Then they participated in one exam in March,2017 to get the second grade as post-test。 Make a comparison and figure out what the current self-regulated learning condition among senior high school students, and whether self-regulated learning has any effects on the learning outcomes in English, and whether self-regulated learning strategies would improve the learning outcome in English。 The result turns out that self-regulated learning has positive effects on the learning outcomes in English and adopting self-regulated learning strategies could improve the learning outcomes。 85198
Key word: Self-regulated learning; Self-regulated learning strategy training;Learning outcome in English; ; Senior high school students
在湖州中学领导老师的倾力配合下,有199名受试者参与了本次有关自律学习和英语学习成绩的调查研究。在本次研究中,被试对象首先完成了有关于自控力和自律学习的相关问卷获得相关数据。并且研究者从湖州中学处获得学生2016年秋季学期的期中考试的成绩作为第一次考试成绩,再针对被试者的情况,加以自律学习相关方面的策略引导和指向,进行一段时间的策略辅导之后取2017年春季学期的一次月考作为后测,针对两次测验中的英语成绩变化进行研究。本次研究主要针对学生的自律学学习习现状,自律学习和其本身学习成绩的相关性以及自学习策略的实施能否对学生学习成绩带来提高进行了研究,并且研究结果表明目前高中生的自律学习现状并没有这么乐观,自律学习和英语学习成绩之间存在相关性,并且学习自律学习策略能够提高学习成绩。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766