Abstract The Joy Luck Club was written by Amy Tan in 1989, a distinguished Chinese American writer。 In the novel, Amy Tan presents the process of misunderstanding, estrangement and mutual understanding between the Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters。 With the rapid development of globalization, cultural exchange and conflicts become more frequent and Chinese traditional culture is facing stern challenges。 The paper intends to analyze the conflicts and integration between mothers and daughters from the perspective of their relationship and to interpret the cultural implications: the conflicts and the reconciliation between the mothers and daughters reflect the conflicts and the reconciliation between Chinese culture and American culture。 It reveals an inexorable trend that Chinese and American culture will finally achieve harmonious co-existance。 Under the globalization age, every country ought to take right attitudes when fostering cultural exchanges。 Only by respecting other cultures and seeking common points while reserving differences, can we ensure the prosperity and advancement of human civilization。85661

Keywords: The Joy Luck Club; mother-daughter relationship; Chinese and American culture; cultural clash; cultural integration

摘要 《喜福会》是杰出的美国华裔女作家谭恩美于1989年创作的。在小说中,谭恩美展现了中国移民母亲和他们在美国生长的女儿之间从误会、隔阂到冲破隔阂、相互理解的过程。随着全球化的日益发展,文化交流和冲突更加频繁,中国的传统文化也面临的严峻的挑战。本文旨在从母女关系的角度分析中美文化的冲突与融合。同时,本文意图探寻小说中的文化内涵:中国移民母亲们和他们在美国生长的女儿们之间的隔阂与交融实际上蕴含的是中美文化的冲突与融合。它揭示了一种必然趋势:中美文化将最终实现和谐兼容。在全球化的时代背景下,世界各国在进行文化交流时应当采取正确的态度,相互尊重,求同存异,促进人类文化的繁荣发展。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766



1。 Introduction…1

2。 Literature Review…2

3。 Sino-US cultural differences in The Joy Luck Club。3

3。1 China’s high-context culture and American low-context culture…。3

3。2 “Three cardinal guides and five constant virtues” in China and “freedom and equality” in America …。。。。。。。。4

3。3 Chinese collectivism and American inpidualism。。。5

3。4 Chinese-style modesty and American-style straightforward。。7

4。 The Reasons of Sino-US Cultural Integration in The Joy Luck Club。7

4。1 Daughters’ understanding and respect of their mothers8

4。2 Mothers’ acceptance of American culture…。。。8

5。 Exploring the Methods of the Harmonious Coexistance of Sino-US Culture in The Joy Luck Club。。9

5。1 Understanding and respect of foreign culture。9

5。2 Seeking common points while reserving difference。。。…10

5。3 Enhancing Sino-US cultural integration while promoting political and commercial exchanges…。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。10

6。 Conclusion。。…。11

Works Cited。12

1。 Introduction 

The Joy Luck Club(1989) was written by Amy Tan, a distinguished Chinese American writer。 Not only does she know a lot about American culture, but also she has a profound understanding of traditional Chinese culture。 She studies the fate of Chinese women in the old days from the perspective of American。 At the same time, she makes deep study of the lives of Chinese immigrants, especially female immigrants in the United States from the view of Chinese。 There are 4 mother-daughter pairs in the novel。 Mothers are born in traditional Chinese families when the dictatorial Chinese power is destroyed by the Japanese invaders。 They escape from China, but they still stick to their Chinese traditional culture。 In America, they give birth to their daughters, who are the second generation immigrants。 The mothers and daughters are influenced by different culture values, so misunderstanding and collision arise between them。 In order to make their daughters understand traditional Chinese culture, the Joy Luck Club mothers make pain-taking efforts to remove their barriers。 Thanks to their consistent efforts, their daughters gradually accept and respect the Chinese culture。 

















