The film A Dog’s Purpose, directed by Las Holmes Dum, was released in March, 2017。 It tells that a dog experiences many rebirths, in the cycle of life to complete different missions。 The dogs help their different owners achieve success and happiness。 However, due to lack of learning and listening foreign language, most Chinese audience have to count on the Chinese subtitles to appreciate the film。 As a result, the subtitle translation should be paid high attention to。

Eco-translatology is first proposed by famous scholar Hu Gengshen。 The theory emphasizes the translator's central position and puts the translations into a large ecological environment to study the translator's translation activities, rather than isolating them from the microscopic level of linguistics。 According to Eco-translatology, translation is a kind of translator's adaptation and selection, which is guided by the translator, based on the original text, aiming at the realization of cross-cultural communication。 Nowadays, Eco-translatology has been applied into various forms of translation such as film titles, public signs, novels and so on。 However, the application of Eco-translatology in English films’ subtitle translation is quite rare。 Therefore, this thesis will analyze the subtitle translation of the film A Dog’s Purpose from the perspective of Eco-translatology , mainly focusing on the adaptation and selection from linguistic, cultural and communicative dimensions。

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Previous study on Eco-translatology

Since  the  1960s,  the  trend  of  global  economic  development  from  the     industrial

economy towards the direction of ecological economy。 After hundreds of years of human development, it is important to realize that economic development is without doubt important, but at the same time it is also important to reduce or not to destroy the  ecological environment。 China, of course, keeping pace with the world, after the reform and opening up, pays more attention to the ecology in the context of sustainable development policy and Scientific Outlook on Development。

As the initiator of eco-translatology, Professor Hu Gengshen has made great contributions to the research and development of ecological translation。 On October 22, 2001, Prof。 Hu Gengshen gave a lecture entitled "From Darwin's Adaptation and Choice  Principle to Translation Studies" at the Hong Kong Baptist University Translation Studies Center, which expounded the feasibility of applying Darwin's "natural selection theory" to translation studies, and then put forward the establishment the initial concept of "translation adaptation theory" 。 This idea has aroused extensive attention and heated discussion among participating researchers。 Then, on 6 December of the same year, Professor Hu Gengshen presented the paper entitled "Preliminary Study on Translational Adaptation" at the Third International Translator Forum of Asian Translators。 This paper reinterprets and describes the definition, process, principles and methods of translation in terms of adaptation and choice, and forms the basic framework of translation adaptation theory。 It can be said that the year of 2001 marked the beginning of the study of Eco-translatology。

In 2002, Translation as Adaptation and Selection, a special English paper, was published in the international journal。 In this article, Professor Hu Gengshen defined the theoretical study of the system as "an ecological approach to translation studies"。 In 2004, Professor Hu published a book entitled Approach to Translation as Adaptation and Selection, which gave a more comprehensive and systematic summary of the background, theoretical basis and basic theory of translation adaptation and selection theory。 In August 2006, Prof。 Hu read the article "Ecological Translation Studies" in the International Conference on Translation of Global Culture: Towards Interdisciplinary Theoretical Construction。 This was the first time that Eco-translatology had been put forward on international occasions。文献综述

















