According to various purposes of questioning(such as to check students’ memory of certain fact, their abilities to apply the learned information, or the ability to analyze the material, etc。), questions can also be pided into six levels, i。 E。 Knowledge level, comprehension level, application level, analysis level, synthesis level, and evaluation level。

3。1 Knowledge questions 

Require students to recall, describe, or recognize facts that have been learned previously。 Since such kind of questions can help students recall facts, terms and basic concepts that have learned before, they are frequently employed by teachers in classroom teaching。 For example:

____When was the PRC established?

_____When, where, and by whom was the first Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

____Can you retell the text we have learned last week?

____Can you list the rules for using the future tense?

The words that will be employed when asking such kind of questions may be: define, recall, remember, recognize, identify, describe, retell, recite, who, when, where, what, etc。

3。2 Comprehension questions 论文网

Require students’ understanding of facts they have learned before。 Based on the understanding of the facts related to the questions, students need organize, summarize and arrange the related material to answer the questions。 So such kind of questions can help students understand the facts and ideas by organizing, comparing, interpreting, describing, and stating the main ideas。 For example:

____What is the main idea of the paragraph?

____Can you tell the differences between the two terms?

____Can you paraphrase the sentence in your own words?

____Can does the word “light” mean in the sentence?

The words and expressions used may be: compare, contrast, summarize, rephrase, put in your own words, retell, rewrite, etc。 

3。3 Application questions

Require students to apply learned information to reach an answer or to solve a problem。 So such kind of questions can help students apply acquired knowledge, facts, and rules in different context。 For example:

__Please choose the best answer according to the rule we have learned。

__Can you draw a picture according to the description of the text?

__Can you classify the animals according to the knowledge we have learned?

__Can you give suggestions on how to save and protect fresh water?

Some useful words and expressions: apply, classify, use, choose, show, demonstrate, exemplify, illustrate, suggest, give some tips, advise, etc。

3。4 Analysis questions

Require students to identify relationships, causes or motivations for a specific occurrence, to consider, analyze and generalize available information to reach a conclusion, and to find evidence to support or oppose ideas。 Simply speaking, such kind of questions usually asks students to identify reasons, uncover evidence and reach conclusions。 For example

__Can you distinguish the two concepts?

__Why didn’t the hero in our story pass the examination?

Some useful words and expressions: analyze, deduce, support, justify, point out, distinguish, draw conclusion, conclude, refute, etc。 

4。 Principles for asking questions文献综述

4。1 Questions asked should meet the following requirements

(1)The richness of language and the persity of questions

English language is very rich, the same language function has a variety of expressions。 When you buy goods in the store, the salesperson can say: Can I help you? What can I do for you? May I help you? Excuse me, what would you like? What about 。。。 ?  Teachers should consciously penetrate a variety of ways in the dialogue so that students could experience the rich and varied English language。 For a teaching aids can usually be questioned from the nature, size, color, location and other aspects, as a teacher can choose the best point of view  which based on the teaching content, also can guide students to talk about pictures from a variety of angles, exercise students’ abilities of using language。 Whichever method is adopted, it must be considered from the starting point of service teaching。 If there is a targeted instruction of color, the teacher should be targeted to ask ‘what color is the 。。。’ but if in the general Free talk, you can talk about a variety of teaching aids。

















