Abstract  With the development of entering into WTO, the economical and cultural exchanges with foreign countries are becoming more and more often。 Nearly everyone in the modern world is influenced by advertising。 As a product of the modern commercialized society, advertising has captured increasing attention。 85959

     As advertising is developing rapidly with each passing day in our modern society, comparison between western and Chinese advertising from perspective of culture has been of more and more importance for the current globalization of the products and services。 

    This thesis will make a contrast and an analysis on the cultural differences between western and Chinese advertising。 By exploring the different customs habits, living environment, religious beliefs and ancient poetry culture between Chinese and western advertising, culture can be clearly realized that culture has great influences on the advertising’s connotation。 Besides, the reasons of the cultural differences between Chinese and western advertising will be studied in the paper。 It is beneficial for cross-cultural communication。

Keywords: cultural differences; advertising; comparison 





2。Literature Review 。1

2。1 The Advertising 。。。1

2。2 The Culture Differences。。。2

3。The Comparisons between Advertising between Chinese and western countries 。。。4

3。1 Collectivism vs Inpidualism。4

3。2 Euphemism vs Immediacy。。 。。。。5

3。3Authority Emphasis vs Fact Emphasis6

4。The Reasons for the Cultural Differences on Chinese and Western Advertising。。。。7

4。1 Different Custom Habits。8

4。2 Different Religious Beliefs9

4。3 Different Living Environment。。。。10

4。4 Different Ancient Poetry Culture。。。。11


Work Cited。。。。14

1。 Introduction 

After Chinese entering into the world trade organization, more and more Chinese  enterprises and commodities have the opportunity to enter the international market。 At the same time, the domestic market is enriched by more and more foreign enterprises and their products。 Therefore, advertisement becomes the most powerful weapon in the battle between contending for markets。 Advertising, as a special cultural carrier, has penetrated into every aspect of people's daily life, and has become an important tool for the exchange of people around the world。 Advertising is a part of culture and is deeply influenced by culture。 At the same time, advertising affects culture in turn。 Different advertising to reflect the different aspects of different cultures, the two have an inseparable relationship。论文网

     Furthermore, the concept of advertising as a specific aspect of advertisements can express the product’s attractive information by newspaper, TV, radio or computer。 Since English is so important that most people in the world use English as their language, the study of western advertising is becoming a necessary part of the study of advertising in our daily life。

     In this thesis, studying the influences of cultural differences between Chinese and western advertising will be the most important part of my paper。 And the different ancient poetry culture will lead me to study these influences of cultural differences in another new point。 From the perspective of culture, this paper will analyze the differences in the western and Chinese advertising, and demonstrate the relationships between advertising and culture through a large number of advertisements。

















