Abstract The Joy Luck Club is a novel written by Amy Tan, a contemporary Chinese-American women writer。 The novel was adapted into a feature film by Wayne Wang in 1993。 The movie presents the conflicts and blending between four mothers of China origin and their daughters who grew up in America nicely。 The film leaves a great impression on audiences。 This paper  analyzes  the cultural conflicts between mothers and daughters for the purpose of understanding the root causes of cultural conflicts, thus promoting cross-cultural communication。 It is hoped that this paper would help people have a profound understanding of the conflicts and fusion between different cultures。 In the circumstance of globalization, we should know that we need to find a balance in the conflict, collision and fusion of different cultures and treat the cultural conflicts seriously。

Keywords: The Joy Luck Club; mother-daughter relationship; cultural conflicts

摘要《喜福会》是美国华裔作家谭恩美的代表作。1993 年,华裔导演王颖将此作品改 编成电影。电影呈现了四对移民母亲和她们在美国长大的女儿之间由于文化差异而引起 的冲突。这部作品给观众留下深刻的印象。本文分析了母女之间的文化冲突,并在此基 础上探讨文化冲突产生的深层次根源以及我们该如何应对不同文化之间的冲突,帮助人 们更好地了解文化冲突与融合。在全球化坏境中,我们应该认识到不同文化间的冲突、 碰撞与融合,在文化冲突中找到平衡点,并采取正确的态度来对待文化冲突。85743



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Conflicts between Mothers and Daughters in The Joy Luck Club 2

3。1 Conflicts in language expression 3

3。2 Value conflicts 5

4。 Ways to Deal with the Conflicts 9

4。1。 Appropriate attitudes towards different cultures 9

4。2。 Seeking common points and reserving differences 10

4。3。 Strengthening the political, economic and cultural exchanges 11

5。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction

With the development of information and communication technology, people in different countries get in touch with each other intensely and frequently。 Human beings are social animals, gregarious by nature。 However, to some extent, people tend to be confined to a particular living environment。 Their ways of thinking, habits, and ways of life are overwhelmingly different from each other, thus there will be the inevitable phenomenon of cultural conflicts in the process of interaction with each other。源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766

Cultural difference is the barrier to cross-cultural communication。 With the development of globalization, nowadays more and more Chinese people get the chance to go abroad。 Thus it’s necessary for us to be aware of the distinctions between Chinese and Western cultures in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and disputes。

















