5。3 Abbreviations method 11

5。4 Derivation of word-formation 11

6。 The semantic characteristics of New English Net Words 11

6。1 Semantic is vivid and appropriate 11

6。2 Semantic is concise and clear 11

6。3 Ignore the first letter of the case 11

7。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

If language is a vivid cross-stitch, so the word should be a colorful thread。 If you want to learn embroidery art, an knowledgeable teacher would stress that you should pay attention to the application of the lines。 When we learn a language, the first knowledge will be taught by our teacher is the word。 Thus the vocabulary is the foundation of a language。Now that we want to learn a language well, it is certain for us to emphasize and grasp the vocabulary well。And the new words are just like the fresh faces, which are not known by common people, so it is necessary for us to understand, master and apply it in every aspect of life。At the same time, the new word usually refers to a new form, which have never appeared in the new period。 Semantically speaking, it refers to some original words which have developed new meanings or usages of words。 According to the statistics, there are about 850 new words appeared every year。 After the Second World War, with the rapid development of science and technology, the society is changed more quickly。 The advent of the computer technology makes it easy for us enter into an age of information network。 The subtle influence of network English are also reflected in the people's daily life, which use a lot of English words and sentences in the network。 It is different from traditional English new words。 The network new words which are full of unique language charm, make our online communication more characteristic。 These network new words make the semantics vivid, concise and clear。 They can express people's thoughts or ideas about the network communication。 It is more easily accepted by people。论文网

2。 The concept and background of network language

Generally speaking, the new words are embodied in the meanings of the "new", which means you can't find it in the previous words。 To be Specific, the network new words are the matter which is newly created as a result of human society, economy, politics, culture, science and technology changes。 In order to adapt to the new environment, we need to endow the old words with the new meanings。In short, new words are newly created words and expressions。 New words are also referred to as fashionable words, that is to say, they are the latest popular words。

The society have been developed unceasingly, so the new things, new trends and new ideas are the necessary contents to be expressed。 Old vocabulary can not accurately express new meanings, so people must create new words or give the old words new meanings。 In other words, everything in the world is changing。 All these changes react on vocabulary, this reversed transmission mechanism forces the new changes in the vocabulary。 So the generation of new words is always related to the change and development of human society。 The network new English word is like a contemporary historian。 He accurately records and expresses all the aspects of the contemporary social transformation and development。

2。1 The classification of network language

Broadly speaking, the network language is a new form of language which is dependent on the development of computer and network technology。 It is different from the traditional print and commuicational media。 And from the narrow sense, it is originated from the network。The network language is widely used in network communication。文献综述

















