Abstract The purpose of senior high school’s English reading is to understand the deep meaning of discourse。 In order to achieve this purpose, we must establish implicit coherence。 This thesis first introduces some related concepts about implicit coherence, including the introduction to implicit coherence and the features of implicit coherence。 Then, the thesis describes how to establish implicit coherence by means of context, world knowledge and the cognitive environment。 Finally, it is concluded that the construction of implicit coherence is conducive to students' deep understanding of discourse。92805

Keywords: senior high school’s reading; implicit coherence;   ways of establishment

摘要 高中英语阅读的目的在于理解语篇的深层含义,要想达到这种目的,必须构建隐性连贯。本文首先介绍了语篇隐性连贯的一些相关概念,包括:语篇隐性连贯的基本信息以及隐性连贯的特点。接着从语境、世界知识、认知环境这三方面论述了如何构建高中阅读中的隐性连贯。最后得出结论,构建隐性连贯有利于高中学生深层理解语篇。



1。 Introduction1

2。 Literature Review2

3。 Implicit Coherence。。。3

3。1 Introduction to implicit coherence。3

3。2 Features of implicit coherence3

4。 Establishing Implicit Coherence in Senior High School’s Reading Passages。。4

4。1 Establishing implicit coherence by context。。。。7

4。2 Establishing implicit coherence by world knowledge。。。。9

4。3 Establishing implicit coherence by cognitive environment。。。。。。12

5。 Conclusion。12

Works Cited。。。14

1。 Introduction 来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766

Nowadays, English reading comprehension is becoming more and more important。 The senior high school students in Jiangsu province are now facing the English test of 120 points in which reading comprehension occupies 30 points。 Therefore, English reading comprehension occupies a much more important position in today’s English learning of  senior high school。 What’s more, senior high school students should pay attention to the deep understanding of the long passages in test thesiss as well as the short dialogues or other forms of discourse in the daily communication。 To a certain extent, the reading comprehension can be understood as the ability to understand the discourse。 So teaching students how to effectively understand the text is of great benefit。 To some extent, understanding the passages is to make these irrelevant words, sentences or other information coherent so that the passages can be coherent and accessible。论文网

Many students focus on the subjects and translation of the text, but ignore the internal meaning of the text itself。 Therefore, what we need to do is to think of some practical ways to solve this kind of problems。 The most important step of the complete understanding of the discourse is to make the discourse coherent。 Coherence is the cornerstone of discourse。 Traditionally, the coherence of discourse is carried out from the perspective of structure, semantics and syntax, which mainly focuses on the surface meaning。 However, implicit coherence is important in improving senior high school students’ reading comprehension。 It is a kind of coherence that lacks of explicit cohesive means in discourse, like grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion。 Implicit coherence is the semantic coherence of discourse and the outside world。 It depends on the contextual knowledge generated by discourse。 Some linguists call it semantic tie which is the invisible network of the discourse。 It helps students to combine these irrelevant words or sentences together and makes the discourse coherent。 Implicit coherence is not a special language phenomenon but a common concept in many senior high schools’ English reading passages。 How to find and establish implicit coherence to understand the deep meaning of the language is of vital importance。 

















