
    However, after China’s entry to the WTO, the gradual opening up of express delivery market made the traditional advantage of EMS narrow gradually. Facing that express business was shunt largely and market share was narrowing constantly, the annual average growth rate of EMS is just about 2 percent. Meanwhile, the growth rate of foreign enterprises like UPS and DHL is almost 20 percent. What’s more, STO, ZTO,YTO,HT,YUNDA and SF these private enterprises develop rapidly, so the obvious contrast shows that EMS faces a tough challenge. Only when we take more innovations and revolutions can we make EMS a hundred-old year brand breath new life. Therefore, the change of the marketing strategy is no doubt significant.
    In this thesis, the author firstly analyzes the current situation of the development of EMS, then position the EMS accurately by comparing EMS with some private express companies under SWOT analysis, and explore the marketing strategy for EMS business in order to win the market by using marketing theory.
    1.2 Research Objectives and Research Significance
    The research objective of the thesis is to obtain effective marketing strategies for EMS. Through the research of marketing strategies of EMS business, the author firstly analyzes the current situation of EMS by collecting data, including the chances and problems. Then try to get the advantages and disadvantages of EMS from the aspects of internal and external factors by using SWOT analysis on 4P’s. At last, the author will make a matrix of the above SWOT Analysis which analyzes the four factors comprehensively and provides some corresponding marketing strategies. The marketing strategies may be used for reference to EMS business.  
    The research significance of the thesis is that the research result can be used for reference to EMS business. In recent years, the market share of EMS business is declining gradually and the speed of the development is very slow, which makes EMS the state-owned express company face a giant challenge. As a state-owned express company, the development of EMS not only affects its own benefits but also represents the image of the nation. Therefore, it is of great significance for EMS to make a reasonable and effective marketing strategy. Comparing to other delivery companies, the advantages of EMS are still giant in network and facilities. At present, it is a crucial period for EMS to develop. If it changes the traditional marketing idea with constant innovation and development of marketing strategy, EMS will surely raise the market share and regain the leader position in the fierce express delivery market.
    1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis
    The thesis is pided into six chapters. Chapter one is an introduction, including the general statement of the paper, the objectives and the practical significance of the research. Chapter two is a literature review, which includes the predecessors’ studies of SWOT analysis and marketing mix strategy. Chapter three describes the theoretical frame this paper based on (including SWOT analysis and marketing mix strategy). Chapter four covers the current situation of EMS, and Chapter Five contains SWOT analysis and Matrix of SWOT Analysis. The last chapter summarizes the major findings as well as the limitations of the paper.
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