Abstract Einstein claimed that asking a question is more important than solving a problem。 Students are asked various questions every day raised by teachers and classroom questioning runs through the whole teaching process。 As the saying goes, one who is good at teaching should be good at asking as well。 For teachers, effective questioning can help students inspire their thinking ability and create active atmosphere。 For students, it can help them better grasp knowledge as well as skills。 Furthermore, it can connect old knowledge with the new one and consolidate them without delay。 The harmonious development between students and teachers can be well promoted at the same time。 However, there are still many problems in English classroom questioning。 This paper analyzes the present situation and explores the features of effective classroom questioning。 After clarifying  significant functions of questioning, it puts forward some useful strategies to optimize classroom questioning: 1) Planning Strategies; 2) Process Strategies; 3) Adjusting Strategies; 4) Feedback Strategies。 This paper aims at providing assistance for English teachers’ classroom questioning in junior high school。94311

Keywords: English classroom; effective learning; questioning strategies   




1。 Introduction。。1

2。 Literature Review1

2。1 Definition of classroom questioning1

2。2 Previous studies on classroom questioning。。2

3。 Current Problems of English Classroom Questioning 5

3。1 Out-dated idea of classroom questioning。6

3。2 Inferior quality of classroom questioning。。。6

3。3 Terrible manner of classroom questioning。7

4。 Features and Functions of Effective Classroom Questioning 。。7

4。1 Features of effective classroom questioning7

4。2 Functions of effective classroom questioning 8

5。 Strategies of Classroom Questioning 。。。10

5。1 Planning strategies。。。。。10

5。2 Process strategies11

5。3 Adjusting strategies。12

5。4 Feedback strategies。14

6。 Conclusion。14

Works Cited16

1。 Introduction 

Socrates was one of the most famous philosophers of ancient Greece more than two thousand years ago。 Socratic method is still recognized as the world’s most intelligent method of persuasion。 Socrates liked asking his students questions and let students learn through their personal experience to solve their problems。 Thus it can be seen that classroom questioning has a long history and it gradually becomes important in teaching。 A great scholar carried out an experiment about a century ago and found that almost 80% of school time was occupied by questions and teachers asked about 395 questions a day (Stevens 15)。 In China, English is a compulsory course in junior high school and it is the basic subject for final exam。 Teachers and parents pay close attention to English and they hope students can learn English well。 Students mainly study English at school, so the key is in class and the guidance of class is classroom questioning。 Questions and answers form a high percentage of classroom activities that are supposed to get students involved in creation or re-creation of meaning through language。 Classroom questioning can help students learn new knowledge and then grasp it, explore it and finally consolidate it。 Therefore, as a teaching method, classroom questioning is a major form of heuristic teaching in junior high school and the key of effective teaching。 However, teachers rarely achieve full potential of questioning as a teaching strategy。 Thus, the exploration of positive questioning strategies is of great significance in junior high school。

















