Auto trademark is like a person's name, it represents a symbol of goods。 In recent years, many scholars began to focus on the trademark translation from different perspectives of study and they have made a great achievement。 All of them have put forward many translation strategies and principles for trademark translation, which plays a great guiding significance for trademark translation。 English translator, Newmark in the book Translation Discover 。For example, there are some principles and methods of trademark translation were put forward by Che LiJuan in the book of the Business English translation tutorial。Although the author thought that the Chinese and Western cultural differences also will have an influence on trademark translation。 She pointed out that the trademark as a symbol of product, translators should notice more about the language features of trademark, and at the same time they should also pay attention to the influence of cross-cultural on trademark when they do make trademark translation。 

2。Literature Review

2。1 Auto Trademark and Brand Name Translation

Trademark is a symbol of product and it is similar to a person’s name, and it’s a symbol and a cultural concentration。Trademark is defined by Collins English Dictionary as: “A trademark is a name or symbol that a manufacturer always uses on a product or rang of products, which is usually registered and protected by law” (Liu Ying 14)。 America Marketing Association (AMA) make a definition for trademark as following: “trademark is a name, term, mark, symbol or design, or a combination of these factors, its purpose is in order to identify the inpidual or a group of sellers who sell products or service, and make it with competitors' products and services to distinguish。”

The definition of the trademark suggests by translator is that trademark as a commodity of signs and symbols。 Trademark contains the following characteristics can be summed by the translator is: a trademark is a sign of goods or merchandise packaging。 Therefore, trademark has the following characteristics: visibility, simplicity, unique proprietary, timeliness, legality and cultural load resistance。 In the first place, the visibility of trademark means that it must be compelling to attract the attention of customers, and allow consumers to generate great interest and desire to buy。 In addition, the simplicity of trademark means that the trademark itself must be brief, clear, easy to understand, and with a refined character will be able to express clear and concise information that trademark wants to convey the meaning of itself。 The unique proprietary of trademark means that trademark should try to do extraordinary difference, unique, making it stand out in many commodities and trademark owned by registered owner only。 Trademark can be protected by law within a stipulated time under normal used condition。 Fourth, the legality of trademark means that the behavior of trademark of formulation, registration, which should follow national or international laws and regulations, so as to makes their own trademarks and commodities to get protect by laws and regulations。 

2。2  Researches on Auto Brand Name translation 文献综述

Trademark is becoming more valuable and it is a kind of special artistical language, cultural symbol and concentration。 A unsuccessful car brand translation may bring big loss to the company。 Car brand often consists of a word or a few words, but translating the trademarks and retain the original word phonology and connotation is not easy。 Auto trademark translation not only need to cross the language barrier, but also need to cross cultural barriers, and make it conform to the target consumers' aesthetic and consumer psychology。 Translating trademarks across borders, set up good product image, respect the target language nationality's cultural psychology and aesthetic perspective, habits of consumption and characters, and eventually to achieve the value of marketing, it must be a seriously considerable issue in trademark translation。

















