

Acknowledgments I

Abstract in English III

Abstract in Chinese.. ...Ⅴ

Ⅰ.Introduction 1

1.1 Background of Research 1

1.2 Significance of Research 2

1.3 Structure of Thesis 3

Ⅱ. Skopos Theory 4

2.1 Key Concepts of Skopos Theory 4

2.2 Translation Brief of Skopos Theory 5

2.3 Three Rules of Skopos Theory 6

2.3.1 Skopos Rule 6

2.3.2 Coherence Rule 6

2.3.3 Fidelity Rule 7

Ⅲ.Analysis on Translation Strategies in Words with Chinese Characteristics in Light of Skopos Theory     8

3.1 Function of the Word with Chinese Characteristics 8

3.2 Translation Brief in Translating 9

3.3 Strategies of Words with Chinese Characteristics 11

3.3.1 Skopos Rule and Free Translation 11

3.3.2 Coherence Rule and Annotation 13

3.3.3 Fidelity Rule and Literal Translation 14

Ⅳ.Conclusion 16

Bibliography 17

Translation of Words with Chinese Characteristics-----A Perspective of Skopos Theory


1.1 Background of Research

Widely known as the tone of solemnity, firmness and conciseness, political articles aim at analyzing mind and expositing notion to propagandize politics, which are typical of conciseness, political nature, timeliness, objectivity and integrity.

The Government Work Report of 2017 includes the summary of 2016and plans for 2017. That is to say, the conclusion of last year’s government work condition and achievements, as well as the announcement of plans and goals for the next year. It gains great attention from home and abroad because it makes great contributions to construct China, that is, an extensive and profound meaning. With the deep development of reform and opening up and foreign exchange.

With the deep development of reform and opening up and foreign exchange, the demand of translation of the Government Work Report of 2017 is also increasing. As an important political documents, on the one hand the political sensitivity is more than strong, therefore the quality of translation is extremely high. On the other hand, it contains a large number of words, concepts and modes of expression with Chinese uniqueness. Hence, great attention should be paid in the translation of political essays.

The government work report, will often contain many distinctive character words, such as “四风”four winds; “统筹规划”comprehensive planning”; “三个代表”Three Represents; “三农问题”three agriculture issues;“定心丸”reassured the market etc. These characteristic  words

usually  represent  China’s  policy  and  development  trend,  the translator

should not only grasp the profound connotation of words, keeping abreast of the times, but also well versed in English and Chinese languages in the expression of difference, positively using expression of the American people in media commonly. The translation can not only reflect the original meaning, but also has strong readability. For a long time, translation is regarded as a kind of language, only on the surface structure of the language, but the function of cross-cultural communication has been ignored.

1.2 Significance of Research

With the growing international status of China, the Government Work Report is attracting more attention from all over the world and it represents the most authoritative source of information for the international community to know China better. Therefore, the necessity of idiomatic translation for the Government Work Report is coming. This helps the recipient accurately understand the source  language and Chinese social dynamic, as well as promote the exchanges and cooperation of all countries in the world.


















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