Teleology was firstly proposed by a German scholar called Hans Vermeer in 1978s. Teleologists pointed out that translation was a purposive behavior of human beings. The first law that translation followed was skopos rule. In other words, the purpose of translation determined its process. And the purpose came from translation brief stipulated by sponsor of translation. The other two principles of teleology were coherence and fidelity. The coherence rule required that the translation must meet the demand of inter textual coherence, which meant that the translation should be understood by reader and be meaningful in the target language.

1.2 Introduction to poetized translation

The concept of poetics came from Aristotle's work: Poetics. It referred to the composite of literary form, theme and literary techniques. Since the study of translation was transformed in the end of 20th century, poetics was

also cited in translation. In Tony Barnstone's work: Translation Poetics: History, Theory and Practice, the connotation of poetics was defined from four aspects. First, the problem of poem's artistic form, such as prosody, translatability, fidelity, the way of translation, equity, differences, expression and syntax. Second, the classify and version of translation. Third, the theory and method used in bilingual translation. Fourth, poetic view in various theory schools. At later time, Andre Lefevere, a scholar of the cultural school pointed that translation was a process of rewriting which was under the control of poetics and ideology. He also said poetics included two aspects. One was the genre, theme, measure, classical roles and symbol in literary system. The other was the role literary played in social system.

II. Historical backdrop of Lin Shu

2.1 Introduction to Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe and published in 1852. This anti-slavery novel had far-reaching influences in Africa- American and American Slavery. And to some extent, this novel intensified and resulted the regional armed conflicts in American civil war.

Uncle Tom's Cabin and a variety of play inspired by it promoted the birth of black stereotypes. Some roles are still famous at present, such as enthusiastic black nanny, tough and loyal uncle Tom.

2.2 Introduction to Lin Shu and the time he lived

Lin Shu was not only a famous ancient astronomer but also a literary translator in modern China. As a representative personage of Tong Cheng school, he analyzed the western novel from the angle of ancient prose with the help of other interpreter. During his whole life, Lin had translated more than 180 novels, though these novels were all controversial for his translation methods. But everything has two sides. His translation methods also contributed to the popularity of his translated novels.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin was translated by Lin Shu and Wei Yi, which exerted great influence on the late Qing Dynasty’s politics and literary. Such influential translation works still received much criticism in human translating activity for his disloyalty to original works. Nevertheless, such disloyalty was a reflex of his society and politics.

In the late Qing Dynasty, China suffered massive pain from multiple invasions of foreign powers. But many intellectuals still only deemed that the west was only superior in science and technology. They confirmed that Chinese culture was brilliant and showed a negative attitude to foreign culture.  The  intellectuals  in  this  ambivalence,  on  one  hand,     named

themselves as successors of Chinese civilization; on the other, they had to study and learn from the west in western gunboats to enlighten and save the country. Clear motivation and goal could also be seen in Lin Shu's translated works. He took translation as his career to save the country. During his process of translating foreign works, Lin wanted to make people know more about foreign culture. His patriotic enthusiasm turned into his motivation of translation and run through his translation. Differing from The Lady of the Gamellias, Uncle Tom's Cabin was the wok that Lin took initiative to translation. As Lin's second translation, it was also the masterpiece with the gradual growing skill of Lin Shu. This book alerted the nation to have critical awareness of national subjugation and made Chinese people to see their fate from the black's miserable experience. Lin hoped to arouse people’s patriotism. Obviously, Lin took translation as an industry to awaken self-strengthening and save the national crisis. We can clearly see it from the preface and postscript Lin wrote for Uncle Tom's

















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