    Acknowledgments  I have eventually completed this thesis titled On the Social Attribute of Translation from the Perspective of Chinese Translation History after 5 months’ writing. It is a pleasant conclusion of my 2 years’ study in Shanghai Institute of Technology. It is really a difficult task, a valuable process as well as a wonderful progress for me, because it is the first time for me to carry out academic research and write such a long thesis. It takes me a lot of time to do some academic reading, learn to organize an outline and form my own opinions based on others’ studies. 27784
    First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Zheng, for her instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. Without her unselfish help, I couldn’t have completed this thesis on my own.
    Meanwhile, I am grateful to Shanghai Institute of Technology, where I have learned a lot from the professional teaching and patient guidance of all my great teachers. I am also grateful to my classmates and roommates for their encouragement, support, comments and wise advice.
    Finally, I wish to devote this paper to my parents for their everlasting dedication that they have shown since I was born.
    To sum up, the completion of this thesis gives me great encouragement, which will provide confidence as well as methodology when I encounter new problems in the days to come.
    Abstract Actually, translation is a kind of ancient and young disciplinary system . The study about translation can be traced back to two thousand years ago. However, it still shows exuberant vitality in recent years. On the basis of the methodology and attributes of studies, translation can be generally pided into four categories: 1) translation based on linguistics; 2) translation based on culture; 3) translation based on cognitive science; 4) translation based on Sociology. In this thesis, special attention will be focused on the last category, which is also called Sociology Translation. And being a further development upon the study of translation based on culture, Sociology Translation lays great emphasis on the interaction between translation and social activities. It cares more about what impact social factors have on translation activities and how these translation products influence social reform and social development. During recent studies, the following three scholars, namely the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu and Bruno Latour, as well as the German sociologist Niklas Luhmann have made great contributions to the development of Sociology Translation. Bourdieu’s Theory of Social Practice, Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems and Latour’s Theory of Social Network, have together paved the way for today’s study on Sociology Translation. Only on the basis of their theories can we understand more profoundly of Sociology Translation.. In this thesis, Social Attribute of Translation will be studied from the Perspective of Chinese Translation History.
    Key Words: Sociology Translation, Chinese translation history, Social Attribute
    摘要翻译是一门古老而年轻的学科体系,早在两千多年之前人们就开始对它展开研究,直至今日仍然焕发出旺盛的生命力. 以对翻译的研究角度和方法论为基础,翻译研究通常可分为四类,分别是翻译语言学、翻译文化学、翻译认知学以及翻译社会学。本论文将着力研究最后一种类型,也就是翻译社会学。事实上,翻译社会学是在翻译文化学的研究基础上衍生出来的新学科。相比较而言,它更注重于研究翻译活动与社会因素之间的相互关联,更关心社会因素对翻译活动造成的影响以及翻译活动又是如何作用于社会的变革和发展的。在近几年的研究中,以下三位学者对于翻译社会学做出了巨大贡献,他们分别是法国社会学家皮埃尔•布迪厄和布鲁诺•拉图尔,以及德国社会学家尼克拉斯•卢曼。布迪厄的社会实践理论,拉图尔的行动网络理论还有卢曼的社会系统理论均为以后的翻译社会学的研究奠定了基石。因为有了他们的理论为基础,我们才能够更深刻地理解翻译社会学。而在此文中,也将以他们三位的研究理论为基础,再从中国的翻译史角度来探究翻译所具备的社会属性。
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