    Acknowledgments One of the greatest joys during the writing of this thesis is discussing with people who have given not just their time and attention, but their hearts and souls as well. I would like to thank the following people for their dedication and contribution, without which the path to the finishing line would have been a whole lot more bumpy.27807
    My profound gratitude first goes to my supervisor Sun Zhiqing, who has generously shared her inspirational and provocative ideas during many of our face-to-face discussion sessions. I will never forget the courses during this period. She has spared much of his precious time for me, reading and revising my paper.
    Her encouragement and unwavering support has sustained me through frustration and difficulties. When I have trouble with my thesis and even feel depressing, she give me great courage to help me overwhelm those troubles. Without her pushing me ahead, the completion of this thesis would be impossible. In addition, I deeply appreciate the contribution to this essay made in various ways by my friends and classmates. With the help of my supervisor and friends, I have finish my paper.
    Oliver Twist and The Scarlet Letter are Charles Dickens and Nathaniel Hawthorne’s representatives respectively. This thesis aims to explain the temporal social suppressions in contrast with the characters in these two novels. Nancy is enduring the inner suppression from her own heart. She lives with Fagin, Sikes and other members for a long time so she has costumed to have that life style, outlook on value or the ways of thinking. While Hester has a strong heart and never loses the unyielding willing.
    Besides, two heroines have inner and outer reasons why they have emotional changes. Readers can find that although two novelists come from different countries, they want to draw the mass’s attention that in fact novels cover the same serious social problems. With the force of the environment, two heroines have changed their emotions which lead to their miserable destinies. However, the waking of the sense of he justice and firm belief respectively let them make the correct choices.
    There are three main parts in this essay. First of all, a brief introduction will be provided about the authors and their novels. It can help to understand the content of the stories easily and to know the character of these two heroines. Next, it is the statement of heroines’ emotional tolerance respectively. Then it is the analysis of the emotional tolerance. At last, the thesis analyses the different social phenomenon between Britain and America, the social class in Britain and religion in America. It reveals the temporal cruel social suppression.  
    Key Words: social suppression, emotional tolerance, Oliver Twist, The Scarlet Letter
    摘要 《雾都孤儿》和《红字》分别是狄更斯和霍桑的代表作。这篇论文主要目标在于解释当时的社会压制现象基于两本小说人物的比较。南希一直忍受着来自内息的压迫,她长期以来和费根、赛克斯和其他的成员生活在一起。所以,她习惯了那样的生活的方式、价值观和思考的方式。然而海斯特拥有一个强大的内心,从未丧失坚强的意志。
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