    摘 要随着经济全球化的发展,特别是自从中国加入世贸组织以来,中外商品的交融越来越频繁,种类也越来越多。作为营销的重要手段之一,国外商品商标翻译的好坏直接关系到商品在中国的市场占有额。文章以目的论为指导通过分析不同的案例以对化妆品商标的翻译原则和方法等进行讨论并总结;并最终提出了在目的论视角下化妆品商标翻译的方法。在目的论视角下研究化妆品商标的翻译策略对商品的销售和企业的发展有重要作用。28311
    毕业论文关键词:目的论; 化妆品; 商标翻译
    With the development of economic globalization, especially after China took part in WTO, a large number of foreign goods flooded into China. As one of the important means of marketing, the translation quality of brands directly bears on its share in the market of China. In this paper, the author tries to discuss and summarize the translation methods and principles of cosmetics brands from the perspective of skopos theory by analyzing relevant cases. Finally the author draws a conclusion of cosmetics brand names translation methods through lots of examples. It is still necessary to study the translation strategies of cosmetic brand names from the perspective of skopos theory, because it plays an important role in the sales of commodities and the development of enterprises.
    Key words: skopos theory; cosmetics; trademark’s translation
      The E-C Translation of Cosmetics Brand Names from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
    摘  要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Description of Skopos Theory    2
     2.1 Connotation of Skopos Theory    2
     2.2 Development of Skopos Theory    2
     2.3 Factors to be Considered in Translation of Cosmetics Brands Names    3
    III. Characteristics and Principles of Cosmetics Brands Names Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory    5
     3.1 Characteristics of Cosmetics Trademarks Translation.    5
     3.2 Principles of Cosmetics Trademarks Translation from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
    IV. Translation Methods Guided by Skopos Theory    10
     4.1 Transliteration    10
     4.2 Free Translation    11
     4.3 Transliteration plus Free Translation    11
     4.4 Zero Translation    12
     4.5 Creative Translation    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    At present more and more foreign cosmetics trademarks catch people’s eyes. Short but innovative translation can not only make the product into consumers’ heart, but also a golden key to extending market popularity. Brands name translation involves many factors, such as the culture psychology, language rules and aesthetic temperament and interest, which are by no means just a simple transformation of different language symbols. Although this paper is not the first to study on cosmetic brand name translation filed, few are systematic, and there are still a lot of problems unsolved. The article will take these problems into consideration, by applying skopos theory to analyze the main characteristics and systematizations of the cosmetic trademark translation, to draw a conclusion of a normal and special translation method, and provide a certain reference to better for the brand to enter the market.
    This paper will study the translation of cosmetics brand from the perspective of skopos theory, which includes two aspects of significance: one is theoretical significance and the other is practical significance, aiming at offering a new approach to analyze the influences on translation between the purpose and the target translation text. The researcher attempts to study the translation of cosmetic brand names from perspective of skopos theory. Different studies by different people on the same issue are a condition for the complete and development of the theory, so the author of this paper tries to explore the translation of cosmetic brand names from perspective of skopos theory, expecting to have a little help to cosmetics brand names translation. Brands have a huge effect on advertising products, especially in China which having a great potential in cosmetics consumption. A special brand can catch consumers’ eyes easily and stimulate consumers’ desire to purchase the products. With the development of economic globalization, a large number of foreign goods flood into China and, thus the translation quality of brand directly bears on its share in the market of China. All the above are the practical significance of studying on cosmetic brand name translation from perspective of skopos theory.
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