    The myths and legends play an important role in cultural inheritance, and reflect the cultural values to some extent. They also have rich aesthetic value and historical value. This paper tries to make people aware of different cultures through the comparisons of Chinese and American myths and legends. It discusses the differences between Chinese and American myths and legends and analyses the reasons for the differences. Therefore, the cultural charm of mythology can be felt. Chinese and American cultural differences can be understood, and the awareness of cross-cultural communication can be enhanced. This paper can help us to understand and accept the advantages of Greek myths and legends in the process of learning them, and can also take Chinese myths and legends which are the representative of the Chinese culture to the world.
    Key Words: the myths and legends; cultural values; cultural differences; reasons
    摘要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Myths and Legends    2
    2.1 The Origin of Myths and Legends    2
    2.2 The Concept of Myths and Legends    3
    2.3 The Classification of Myths and Legends    3
    III. The Differences between Chinese and American Myths and Legends    4
    3.1 The Differences in Contents    4
    3.1.1 The Gods System and the Emperor System    5
    3.1.2 Ideas Expressed in the Myths and Legends    6
    3.2 The Influence of the Myths and Legends    7
    3.2.1 The Effects on People    7
    3.2.2 The Social Influence of Nations from Myths and Legends    9
    3.2.3 The Values Standard    10
    IV. Reasons for the Differences between Chinese and American Myths and Legends    11
    4.1 The Human Factors    11
    4.2 The Natural Factors    11
    4.3 The Historical Factors    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16
    Analysis of Chinese and American Cultural Differences from the Perspective of Myths and Legends
    I. Introduction
    As we all know, the myths and legends are the forms of nature and society, which are processed by people’s unconscious fantasy (Marx 113). So the myths and legends can be said to be the early human art originals. The myths and legends make the power of nature and the objective world anthropomorphic with imagination and fantasy. As the culture carriers, the myths and legends are the chronicles of the human spirit (Offer 13). They record the existed since ancient times and the humans’ yearning for a better future, exude human beings’ intelligence, witness the history and inherited the traditional culture. From the figures of the myths and legends, we can see that the ancient humans’ thoughts and struggle, because the humans’ words and deeds reflect the great influence from the myths and legends in ancient times. The American culture influenced by Greek and Roman myths and legends has important status in western culture. However, Chinese culture that represents the Oriental culture also has the important influence in oriental culture. The gap of different myths and legends is big. As Chinese people, we are proud of the ancient and brilliant fairy tales in our national culture, and we should take measures to protect and promote the essence of cultural value. Not only should we absorb outstanding foreign culture, but also flourish our Chinese civilization. All the people should face the challenge of understanding this world.
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