    摘 要英语考试一直是许多学生在研究生入学考试中比较头疼的一个问题,翻译题得分率尤其低,而这正是大学生英语学习中忽略语言运用能力现象的反映。以《考研英语大纲》为基础,本文通过分析英语长难句的特点和对比英汉两种语言表达方式的差异,认为要解决长难句翻译的难题应该提高学生对英美语言表达差异的把握能力和提高英语的语法水平,并提出了英语长难句的翻译策略和常见错误的应对方法,以求给广大学子提供一些帮助。28313
    Abstract English exam has been a problem which troubles a lot of students in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination, especially in the translation part in which the scoring rate is very low. It indicates that at present there is a phenomenon that college students neglect the ability of language using in the process of English learning. Based on the curriculum of the Postgraduate Examination, this paper analyzes the characteristics of long and difficult sentences in English compares the differences of expressions between English and Chinese, and proposes that in order to solve the problem of translating long and difficult sentences, students’ ability of grasping the differences of the expression of English language and the level of their English grammar should be improved. And it puts forward translation strategies for long and difficult sentences in English and coping approaches for common mistakes, which aims to offer some help for students.
    Key words: long difficult sentences; translation; strategy
     Long Difficult Sentence Translation Strategies in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Comprehension of Long English Sentences    2
    2.1 The Connotation of Long Sentences    2
    2.2 The Characteristics of Long Difficult Sentences in English    3
    III. Linguistic Transfer of Long English Sentences    5
    3.1 How to Understand English Sentences    5
    3.2 Differences in English and Chinese Expression    5
    IV. The Long Difficult Sentence Translation Strategies    11
    4.1 The Long Difficult Sentence Translation methods    11
    4.2 Common Mistakes in English Translation    14
    4.3 Avoiding the Common Mistakes in English Translation Strategies    16
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    18
    Acknowledgements    19
    I. Introduction    

    The data published through the China Graduate Enrollment Information Network showed that the number of the postgraduates signing up nationwide was 1,649,000 in 2015. The number of students applying for graduate exams showed an overall increasing tendency. The Postgraduate Entrance Examination is a comprehensive inspection on students’ basic skills and comprehensive application ability of English as well as their logical thinking and judging ability. The articles chosen for the exam, usually a bit longer, are selected from foreign journals and newspapers, which is indeed a big challenge for numerous candidates.
    There are no specific requirements for grammar knowledge listed in particular in the English Syllabus for Unified National Graduate Entrance Examination, which just encourages candidates to replace the independent grammar learning with the practices in listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that candidates can use grammar knowledge more accurately and freely in communication practices. Although the postgraduate examination doesn’t have a specialized question type to test grammar, any type of questions actually involves grammar and requires the mastery of certain grammatical knowledge and sentence patterns and reading articles involves understanding of the long and difficult sentences with complex structures all the time. The translation examination questions are tending to be increasingly focused on the assessment of the longer sentences with more difficult structures, indicating that even though we do not have the special grammar examination questions in the exam, it is difficult to achieve the requirements of postgraduate entrance examination and get good grades in the exam if you are not familiar with the grammar structures. The study of grammar should be paid special attention to during the process of review. However, grammar is always the topic that makes many English learners feel headache, especially for the grammar in the Postgraduate Entrance Examination, which covers a wide range. In most cases, a long and difficult sentence involves several grammar items; and those students having better basic knowledge can recognize one or two, and thereby separate the sentence and achieve comprehension. While the students having poor basic knowledge are more likely to go about several tasks at a time, and then they even don’t know what the grammar means. The reason which leads to this disturbance of comprehension mainly lies in that our brains need to perform a series of rules during the process of transforming from English to Chinese.
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