    摘  要活动教学就是以学生为中心,让学生自主地参与到课堂活动中来,培养他们的创新精神和口语能力。我们现如今的英语课堂过于重视应试教育,忽视了学生英语口语表达能力。本文采用活动教学法研究课堂活动,如:课堂表演、教学游戏与角色扮演在初中英语口语教学中的应用。研究表明课堂活动可以提升学生学习英语口语的兴趣和语言运用能力,加强学生们之间的交流,培养学生们的创新能力。通过将课堂活动引入英语口语教学,希望改变应试教育对初中生口语学习带来的不良影响,促进初中生英语口语的实用性发展。28314
    Activity teaching is to take the student as the center, let the students participate in classroom activities, and cultivate their innovative spirit and improve their oral English. Nowadays too much attention is paid to exam-oriented education and the ability of oral English is ignored in the English classroom. The thesis adopts the method of classroom activity to study the application of classroom activity, such as classroom show, instructional games and role play in the oral English teaching in junior middle school. The study shows that classroom activity can enhance students’ interest in spoken English, and cultivate their ability of using the language, improve their ability of communication and cultivate innovative ability. The significance of the study lies in that the introduction of classroom activities to oral English class can change the negative impact of exam-oriented education on oral English learning, and promote the practical development of oral English in junior middle schools.
    Key words: classroom activities; junior English; English teaching; strategies
    Application of Classroom Activities in Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Present Situation of Oral English Teaching in Junior Middle School    2
    2.1 Too Much Focus on Examination-oriented Education.    2
    2.2 Difficulty in Changing Thinking Mode    4
    2.3 Inadequate Use of Multi-media    4
    III. Values of Classroom Activities    5
    3.1 Enhancing Students Interest in Spoken English    6
    3.2 Cultivating Comprehensive Ability to Use Language    6
    3.3 Improving Students’ Ability Communication    7
    3.4 Cultivating Students’ Innovative Ability    8
    IV. Application of Classroom Activities in Oral English Teaching    9
    4.1 Classroom Show    9
    4.2 Instructional Games    10
    4.3 Role Play    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    I.    Introduction

    Classroom activities mainly refers to the teaching take the student as the main part, the characteristic in the learning process is to cultivate their initiative creativity. The students have the ability of thinking and practice, their active and lively nature and their personality are also special. With the deepening of economic globalization, the position of English in social life is more and more important, the English communicative competence has become a very important skill, but students’ ability in spoken English is very unfavorable. The traditional way of teaching is the teacher speaking on the platform and the student listening on the desk, which can’t catch up with the social development. We need a new way for classroom activity, which shows a new way to us, and makes students learn oral English in joy.
    This article can be pided into five parts.
  1. 上一篇:研究生入学考试中长难句的翻译策略
  2. 下一篇:试论任务型教学法在初中英语教学中存在的问题及对策
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