    摘 要 《圣经》不仅仅是宗教经典,它对西方文学作品也有着很深的影响。在莎士比亚文学作品中,有许多元素来源于《圣经》。这些元素包括:原罪、救赎、忏悔、洗礼等。本文通过分析法,以《李尔王》为例,找出《李尔王》中《圣经》元素的体现,让我们了解《圣经》对莎士比亚文学作品的影响,使读者更好地了解莎士比亚和基督教文化。28316
    Abstract Holy Bible is not only religious text, but also an important source of Western literature. In Shakespeare works, many elements from Holy Bible. This elements conclude original sin, punishment and redemption. The paper uses analytic method to find the main elements in King Lear, analyzing the biblical elements in Shakespeare works in order to understand the culture of Shakespeare and Holy Bible better.
    Key words: Holy Bible; Shakespeare; King Lear
    On the Analysis of the Biblical in Shakespeare’s Works-- Taking King Lear for Example
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Main Elements in Holy Bible    2
     2.1 Original Sin    3
     2.2 Punishent    3
     2.3 Redemation    4
     2.4 Baptisim    4
    III.    The Elements of Holy Bible in King Lear    5
     3.1 The Original Sin is Reflected in King Lear    5
     3.2 The Punishment is Reflected in King Lear    5
     3.3 The Redemption is Embodied in King Lear     6
     3.4 The Baptism is Reflected in King Lear    6
    IV. Influence of Holy Bible on Shakespeare Works    6
     4.1 Allusions From Holy Bible    7
     4.2 Fraternity Thought of Holy Bible Everywhere    8
     4.3 Prototypes And the Names in Holy Bible     10
     4.4 Baptism Ceremony in Holy Bible     11
     4.5 Thoughts From Holy Bible.    12
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgements    17

    Shakespeare (1564-1616) is a distinguished dramatist in the history of English literature. He is also one of the most outstanding writer in western eulogist,and the world’s most eminent astronomer. He has passed down hundreds of literature works, including 38 plays, 155 sonnets, 2 epics and other poems. His plays have a variety of primary language translation, and are performed more often than any other dramatists. The years form 1590 to 1613 was the golden age of Shakespeare’s writing,most of his early plays were comedies and historical plays. Next the year of 1608 he began to create tragedies, including Othello, Hamlet, King Lear and Macbeth.In the final phase of his life, he began writing tragicomedy, also known as the legendary drama,and cooperate with other playwrights.
    King Lear is one of William Shakespeare’s famous tragedies. The story of King Lear, an aging monarch who is headstrong old man and is blind to his weaknesses, decides to pide his kingdom among his three daughters, according to which one recites the best declaration of love. Goneril and Regan who are the selfish daughters of Lear pretend to love him but later treat him cruelly. Cordelia who is the loyal and unselfish daughter of Lear. He disowns her after confusing her honesty with insolence. Edgar is Gloucester's loyal son and heir and Edmund is Gloucester's evil bastard son. At first the family appear to be loving and caring but this could not be further from the truth. As the characters unfold we find greed, betrayal, lust for power, and cruelty. In other words, they are anything but normal and caring. The end of the play ends in death everywhere. Regan dies after being poisoned by Goneril. Goneril stabs herself to death. Edgar reveals his true identity to his father, but the old man dies. Mortally wounded, Edmund becomes remorseful and countermands his order to hang Cordelia. But it is too late, and Cordelia dies. Lear, now a broken man, falls upon Cordelia and also dies. Holy Bible has a very impact on Shakespeare literature works.
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