    摘 要《名利场》是19世纪英国著名作家威廉•梅克比斯•萨克雷成名作和代表作,它的问世,奠定了萨克雷在英国文学史上的地位。而《欢乐之家》是20世纪美国女作家伊迪丝•沃顿的作品。本论文主要通过对比分析的方法,揭示了他们悲惨命运的根源。她们悲剧的原因,不仅在于她们自身的性格思想,而且是她们所处的社会造成的。这篇论文反映了女性在男权社会的生存状况和在当时社会下男女之间的不平等、贫富之间的差距,希望这篇论文可以对现代女性有所启迪,那就是努力去追求、去解放自己,而且从不屈服。28317
    摘 要i
    I. Introduction.1
    II. The Similar Reasons of the Heroines’ Tragedies    .2
    2.1 Social Reasons    .2
    2.2 Family Reasons    . .5
    2.3 Inpidual Reasons    .6
    III. The Different Reasons of the Heroines’ Tragedies    . 6
    3.1 Becky in the Indulgence of the Pursuit of Money and Status     .7
    3.2 Lily in her Struggle for Money and Love     .7
    IV. The Reasons of Their Own Characters    8
    4.1 Becky’ Selfishness and Hypocrisy    8
    4.2 Lily’s Hesitation and Contradiction    9
    V. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    .13
    Acknowledgements    14
    Vanity Fair (1847) was written by one of the most famous English novelists—William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863) in 19th century, the publication of the novel laid his position in the history of English literature. And The House of Mirth (1905) was written by Edith Wharton (1862—1937). The paper brings the root causes of their tragic fate to light mainly by a comparative analysis of the two heroines of the two novels. What makes them tragic lies not only in their own ideological character, but also in the society they were in. The paper reflects the living conditions of the females in the patriarchal society and the inequality between men and women, and the gap between the rich and the poor in that society. Hopefully this paper can enlighten the women in the modern society. That is to strive, to seek, to liberate themselves, but never to yield.
    Key words: Vanity Fair; The House of Mirth; tragedy; reasons
    A Comparative Study on Heroines’ Tragedies in Vanity Fair and The House of Mirth
    I. Introduction
    William Makepeace Thackeray, the only child in his family, was born in Calcutta, India, in July 18th, 1811. He was a British novelist of critical realism. He inherited the realistic tradition from Swift and Fielding, and then in the process of his creation he became a sharp and ruthless satirist in the contemporary European society in the first stream of genius, “Victorian times”. His excellent satire to the social evils, spicy criticism and sarcastic ridicule humorous style made him occupy a special position in the history of English literature. He was famous for his satirical works, particularly the Vanity Fair, a panoramic portrait of the English society in that time. The title of the novel “Vanity Fair” was taken from Bunyan’s allegorical novel “Pilgrim’s progress”. And the Vanity Fair was known as a novel without a hero. In fact, greed and vanity was the real hero of this novel. As one of the most famous works in the 19th Century, Vanity Fair helped establish William Makepeace Thackeray’s a solid position as a well-known novelist of the 19th Century in England. The book was, is and will be popular among all the people in different times because of its realistic subject and the excellent writing skills shown in it. The story was based on the middle-and-upper classes of England in the 19th Century. At that time, the industries and commerce were all booming and the society was under the control of the new capitalists, who made their fortune by exploiting the working class. At the same time, the war between Britain and France broke out. People in the middle-and-upper classes were busy with their business related to fame and fortune, which are associated with each other.
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