    摘 要 自从20世纪80年代中期以来,任务型语言教学(TBLT)就被认为是在研究语言功能和交际语言教学方面最有益的和最受欢迎的教学方法之一。虽然大多数学者已经将任务型教学运用到了口语、写作、阅读和英语学习的其他方面,但作为舶来品,它不可避免地在初中英语教学实践中出现了一系列的问题。因此本文通过查阅相关文献,研究这种新的教学方法与我国传统的教学背景之间的分歧,分析实践中出现的问题并提出相应的对策,以便为初中英语的教学活动提供实际的指导意义。28315
    The Task-based Language Teaching ( TBLT) has been regarded as one of the most useful and most popular approaches in the study of functional language and communicative language teaching since the mid of the 1980s. While most scholars have applied the TBLT to the speaking, writing, reading and other different aspects in English learning, TBLT, a foreign teaching theory, inevitably faces a series of difficult problems in the junior English teaching in China. After reviewing relevant literature, this paper focuses on the conflicts between the new teaching approach and our traditional teaching background. By analyzing problems in teaching practice, the countermeasures are provided in the hope that these strategies can give some guidance on English teaching in junior middle school.
    Key words: the Task-based Teaching Approach; junior English teaching; problems;   countermeasures
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Theoretical Basis of the TBLT    2
      2.1 The Definition and Characteristic of the “Task”    2
      2.2 The Characteristics of TBLT    3
    III. The Present Situation of the TBLT in English Teaching    4
      3.1 The Lack of the Enthusiasm for Students    4
      3.2 Difficulty in Adapting the Role in Classroom for Teachers    5
      3.3 The Emergence of Language Fossilization    6
      3.4 Low Efficiency and Low Quality    6
      3.5 The Lack of Cooperation between the Students    7
    IV. Research on Countermeasures    8
      4.1 Improving Quality of Teachers    8
      4.2 Using the Textbooks Flexibly    9
      4.3 Optimizing the Teaching Methods    10
      4.4 Paying Attention to the Transformation of Knowledge and Ability    11
      4.5 Forming a Scientific Evaluation System    11
      4.6 Implementing the Cooperative Learning    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    Task-Based Language Teaching to English Teaching in Junior Middle School:Problems and Countermeasures

    I. Introduction

        Task based teaching method also known as task-based language teaching method (TBLT), is the most important language teaching theory and method in 1980s. It is first proposed by Prabhu.N (1987) who is an advocate of Communicative Approach. At present, more unified understanding of TBLT at home and abroad is: design the specific task, guide students to finish the task actively, and then combine the knowledge and skills. Through listening, speaking, reading and writing, let students really learn to communicate in foreign language. Task based teaching method fully embodies that students through learning, cooperation, and negotiation complete the task, so as to improve the ability to find problems and solve problems.
    For this new teaching mode, both at home and abroad are related to the research. In foreign study, there are two main patterns: Willis’ task-based language teaching and Skehan’ task-based language teaching. In Willis’ pattern, he suggests the implementation of the task need to follow the five principles: the practical applicability of language; the incentive of task; pay attention to the language itself; design different tasks in different periods. In addition, he also puts forward three phases in task-based learning: pre-task, task cycle and language focus. And in Skehan’ (1998) pattern, he also thinks TBLT should be pided into three stages: pre-task; during-task; post-task. This is similar with Willis’ pattern. But He thinks acquisition of the second language is cognitive make task-base language teaching have a new development.                    
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