
    The reduplicated word functions as an important way of conveying the meaning and enriching Chinese lexicon. It is not a simple repetition of the words. With its unique features, if used properly, it can create unexpected artistic effects and offer the readers a joyful feeling of language (Halliday 56).
    Firstly, the reduplicated word possesses aesthetic tonality that is embodied in its sound and rhythm, which improves the readability of the whole text. For instance,
    The thick strings loudly thrummed like the pattering rain;
    The fine strings softly tinkled in a murmuring strain.
    When mingling loud and soft notes were together played,
    It was like large and small pearls dropping on plate of jade.
    These reduplicated words “嘈嘈”、“切切” not only vividly express the strength and the speed of the music, but also show the readers the resounding melody.
    Secondly, still the reduplicated word can be used to convey personal feeling, its expressiveness is strong. Besides, it can emphasize some information or emotion the author intends to deliver euphemistically. For instance,
    I seek but seek in vain,
    I search and search again;
    I feel so sad, so drear,
    So lonely, without cheer (Zhang 19).
    The poem is a typical example to show the beauty of the reduplicated words, its wording can make people feel the deep sadness and melancholy the poet want to express.
    Thirdly, the appropriate use of the reduplicated words will make the characters or the natural scenery described in the works more vivid and appealing. For example,
    In this sentence, the words “郁郁葱葱” 、“密密层层”、“严严实实” describe the flourish of the verdant trees so visually that people may feel themselves come into a picture of the beautiful scenery.
        For the above functions of the Chinese reduplicated words, the significance that people study the English translation of the Chinese reduplicated words deserves our attention.
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