    Acknowledgments Time flies. Looking back through the four years in college life, I get a feeling of gratitude. When I finish writing my graduate paper, I feel a sense of relief. This paper was completed in May,2015. For it’s being, I owe a great deal of thanks to many people.28556
    First, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge with deep gratitude the assistance and guidance given to me by my supervisor Mrs. Wang Min. With her profound knowledge and rich research experience. Her patience and kindness are greatly appreciated. Besides, she always puts high priority on our dissertation and is willing to discuss with me anytime available. I have learnt from her a lot not only about dissertation writing, but also the professional ethics. I am very much obliged to her efforts of helping me complete the dissertation. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistence and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached it’s present form.
    Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my family for their loving consideration and great confidence in me during this years. Every time when I frustrated, I get comfort from them. Thank my family members again for their encouragement and great help.
    Last, my thanks would go to my classmates ant roommates who gave me their help and time in listening to me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.
    Toni Morrison is a great black woman writer in the field of contemporary American literature. She wins the 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature, which makes her the first black writer to enjoy honor. Her novels concern about the life of American blacks, reflect ways of American black cultural development, and reveal abnormality and distortion of the black people’s spiritual world under white culture and values. Her double identities as a black and a woman provide Morrison with great advantages to penetrate deeply into the hearts of black women and reveal their psychological racism and sexism struggle and distortion under the oppression misery. Her remarkable achievements represent the recognition of a new kind of literature, the black women literature throughout the world. Its publication in 1987 shakes the American literary world and is regarded as a milestone in American literary history. In the novel, a crime of infanticide shows the cruelty and devastation of slavery on women and the black race physically and spiritually.
    The portrait of main characters in the novel may inspire other struggling black women to seek their identities. As long as they keep on struggling against racial discrimination and patriarchal domination and cherish black culture, they are bound to find their true existence.
    Key words: Toni Morrison , beloved , black women ,black feminism
    摘要托尼•莫里森(1931- )是当今世界文坛上一位杰出的黑人女作家,1993年获得诺贝尔文学奖,成为当今历史上获此殊荣的第一位非洲裔作家。莫里森的小说关注美国黑人的现实生活,尝试对美国黑人民族文化发展道路进行反思,揭示白人文化和价值观寝室挤压下黑人精神世界的畸变与扭曲。黑人和女性的双重身份帮助托尼•莫里森深入到黑人女性的内心深处,深刻而细腻的展现了在种族主义和性别歧视的双重压迫下,黑人女性的痛苦,挣扎和扭曲的心里状态,他的接触成就标志着一个新的文学种类——黑人女性文学在世界范围内得到认可。1987年《宠儿》的发表震撼了美国文学界,并被视为美国黑人历史的一座纪念碑。小说通过一桩杀婴案揭示了奴隶制对妇女和一个种族所犯下的滔滔罪恶,披露了奴隶制在精神和肉体上对自我的摧残。
    黑人民族在美洲大陆的历史无异于一部苦难史,它不仅由黑人男性的血泪写成,也融入了黑人女性的悲哀和不幸。在奴隶制下,黑人女性的身体非己所属,而是被白人当作权利的对象和目标;黑人女性的情感也被剥夺了自由。然而她们仍然在追寻着自由和人格,追寻着黑人文化传统和被压制的自我话语权。宠儿的还魂代表着“优尔千万甚至更多”的黑人亡魂,也带来了人们不愿回顾的历史,然而正视李师师黑人获得自我解放的第一步。贝比•萨格斯作为黑人女性的先驱者,通过 “空间林地” 传教号召黑人群众热爱自己,确立其自由黑人的身份;塞斯逃离奴隶主的非人待遇,用杀婴这种极端方式来文护她作为黑人母亲的身份,一个奴隶第一次成为自己生命的主宰;丹芙由性格孤僻,到逐渐成熟走向独立,确立了其全方位的身份。
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