    摘要Dave Cormier 与 Bryan Alexander在2008年提出慕课这个概念。作为新近涌现出来的一种课程开发模式,慕课是由过去的那种发布学习资源和学习管理系统的课程开发模式发展而来的。本文采用文献分析法和数据收集分析法,探索了慕课教学模式在中学英语课堂中的应用,揭示了慕课在推广过程中存在的问题,比如:慕课在教学过程中存在的诚信问题、教学评价机制和评价标准等问题。并针对这些问题,提出了一些解决办法。希望本文能有助于完善慕课教学模式在中学英语课堂中的应用。32884
    Abstract The concept of MOOC was presented by Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander in 2008. As a recent emergence of curriculum development model, MOOC derives from the old curriculum development model that published learning resources and learning management system. The paper adopts the documentary analysis and data collection to explore the application of MOOC teaching model in the middle school English class. Accordingly, the paper reveals that there are still existing problems in the process of MOOC popularization, such as the integrity issue and the problem of evaluation mechanism and standard, etc. And the paper puts forward some measures to solve those problems. Hopefully the paper will contribute to perfect the application of MOOC teaching model in the middle school English class.
     Key words: MOOC; middle school; English teaching
    The Application of New Teaching Model in the Middle School English Class—Taking the MOOC as an Example
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    Ⅱ. The Application of MOOC in Middle School English Teaching    2
    2.1 The Teaching Principles of MOOC    3
    2.2 Teaching Design of the MOOC    4
    2.3 The Teaching and Learning Strategies of MOOC    5
    2.4 The Advantages of MOOC in the Middle School English Teaching    7
    2.5 The Implementation Issues of MOOC in the Middle School    9
    Ⅲ. Solutions to the Implementation Issues of MOOC    11
    3.1 Exploring MOOC Curriculum Innovation with the Traditional Class    11
    3.2 Improving Teachers’ Quality and Changing Teachers’ Role    12
    3.3 Building Autonomous Learning Model    12
    Ⅳ. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction
    In 2008, Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander presented the concept of MOOC. MOOC or MOOCs are short for Massive Open Online Course, which is the recent emergence of curriculum development model. It derives from the old curriculum development model that publishes learning resources and learning management system. Three of the most famous platforms are edx, Udacity and Coursera of the United States. There is another influential platform—FutureLearn, which comes from the Britain. Edx, a free online course project, was set up in 2012 by Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, whose purpose is to build the world’s top universities unit sharing education platform, improve the quality of teaching, and promote the online education. Udacity, a private education organization, was set up in 2012 by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens and Mike Sokolsky, whose purpose is to realize the educational democracy and fair. Coursera, which is a large open online course project, means the era of course. It was set up in 2012 by Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller. It is an educational platform, whose purpose is to cooperate with the world’s top universities and provide free open online courses. FutureLearn platform is operated by FutureLearn Co. Limited in Britain. British online education is a newly started undertaking, so a lot of old British universities require to cooperate with the online platform of the United States. Such as university of Edinburgh, it completes the output of the online content by cooperating with Coursera. FutureLearn is initiated in order to change the status quo. The year of 2013 was regarded as the Chinese MOOC year. Under the influence of international universities join the MOOC, Chinese colleges and universities also join the MOOC as a participant, with the purpose of expanding the international influence of Chinese universities. The paper studies the current situation of MOOC in the middle school, so as to give some revelation to the teachers and students. MOOC is an important teaching method to arouse students’ learning interest, mobilize students’ learning enthusiasm, stimulate students’ learning participation, improve students’ academic achievement and promote students’ personalized learning. As we all know, the teaching idea of MOOC is based on the students’ interests. The MOOC teaching is reasonably arranged, explanation is clear and main-points are emphasized, which mobilizes students’ learning enthusiasm, arouses students to participate the learning. As a result, it can guarantee the students’ learning quality. What’s more, students can free to watch the micro-video in the process of MOOC teaching. It is the best way to make the students whose basis is not good can study the knowledge repeatedly. It is beneficial to students’ personalized learning. And MOOC is significant for advancing curriculum reform of basic education d in middle and primary school, realizing education resources share, and promoting education equality. The resources of MOOC are rich, which come from famous universities all over the world. As long as there is a mobile terminal that can get on the Internet, anyone who can choose the content they are interested in to learn. In fact, the open content and open teaching mechanism of MOOC create a new mode of educational resources share. It can not only make the teaching information communication superiority but also booster education equality with resources.
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