摘 要改革开放以来,层出不穷的新政策、新事物、新现象和新思想极大地丰富了汉语中的新词新语,随着我国与世界的接触越来越多,将汉语新词新语准确地翻译成英语成了当务之急。本文介绍了汉语新词的定义、分类、来源、特征,简单探讨了汉语新词英译的原则,并基于此分析了五种翻译汉语新词的方法,即直译及直译加注、音译及音译加注、意译、回译、对等翻译及近对等翻译,并指出了一名合格的汉语新词译者所应具备的素质。本文旨在为汉语新词英译提供一些指导,以提高汉语新词英译水平。33298
关键词:新词; 新语; 翻译策略
Abstract Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, new policies, new things, new phenomena and new ideas keep emerging, greatly enriching Chinese neologisms. With China’s more and more frequent contacting with foreign countries, it becomes an urgent affair to translate these neologisms into foreign language accurately. This paper introduces the definition, classification, sources and features of the neologisms and explores the principles of translation simply. Based on these principles, this paper elaborates five translation strategies of Chinese neologisms in detail, namely, literal translation & literal translation plus explanation, transliteration & transliteration plus explanation, free translation, back translation, equivalent & near equivalent translation. In addition, it points out a good Chinese neologism translator’s necessary qualities. It aims to provide some guidance in the translation of Chinese neologisms and to improve the quality of translation of Chinese neologisms.
Key words: neologism; new expression; translation strategies
A Tentative Study on English Translation of Chinese Neologisms
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Chinese Neologisms 2
2.1 Definition 2
2.2 Classification 3
2.2.1 Politics and Economy 3
2.2.2 Science and Technology 4
2.2.3 Entertainment and Sports 4
2.2.4 Education, Medical Care and Health 4
2.3 Source 5
2.3.1 Newly Coined Words 5
2.3.2 Existing Words and Expressions with New Senses 5
2.3.3 Adopted Dialects 5
2.3.4 Loanwords from Foreign Language 6
2.4 Features 6
III. Translation Principles and Strategies of Chinese Neologisms 6
3.1 The Translation Principles 7
3.2 The Translation Strategies 8
3.2.1 Literal Translation & Literal Translation Plus Explanation 8
3.2.2 Transliteration & Transliteration Plus Explanation 9
3.2.3 Free Translation 10
3.2.4 Back Translation 11
3.2.5 Equivalent & Near Equivalent Translation 12
IV. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgements 16
I. Introduction
China began to see her all-round development from the reform and opening up period which started at the end of 1970s. With the rapid development of China, it plays a more and more important role in the world. Communication between China and other countries is inevitable and growing at an unprecedented speed now. Besides, under the globalization circumstance, the communication is all-round and in many levels. The great changes of the society also promote the production of Chinese neologisms. Considering the role that China plays in the world today and the need for the rest of the world to learn more about China, the study of Chinese neologisms and the translation of Chinese neologisms become a necessity and a subject that needs more academic concern.
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