    Acknowledgments First of all, my profound gratitude first goes to my supervisor, Ms. Hu Yan, for her dedicated and unending commitment of time, efforts, encouragement, and the advice in guiding such an academic novice as me toward the completion of this thesis. I will never forget that she has spared much of her precious time for me, reading and revising my paper.
    My sincere gratitude must also be contributed to all the faculty members in the School of Foreign Languages of Shanghai Institute of Technology. They provide me with a firm knowledge foundation of English culture studies. I appreciate their generous help and guidance.35593
    Moreover, I should extend my thankfulness to the staff of the library of Shanghai Institute of Technology, who has provided a great convenience to me when I was searching for some professional books.
    Last but not the least, my thanks should go to my dear family members and friends. They always encourage and help me when I encountered obstacles. It is their cares and concerns that make my life colorful and meaningful.
    Abstract Since the Afro-American were transported to the United States, more than one hundred years passed. During this tragic and bitter period of time, African-American never stop struggle to pursuit their dream. Since the relatively early time, their struggling has been the eternal thesis of the Afro-literature.
    Native Son and Invisible Man own vitality in a prolonged period and everlasting value with the epoch-making significance of the figures. Both of them are written with the themes of the blacks. They explore the outlet of the black people in modern American society, and reflect the reality of American society. They attack the white society that turns a blind eye to the existence of the blacks. The ways the two protagonists respond to the society are entirely different. Obviously, their fate is totally different, whereas both of them are on the margin of the society and undergo a process of self-identifying and self-realizing, mercilessly castigating the fact that the white society strangles the black’s humanity. The author will illustrate the paper based on these differences and similarities to further the recongnization of two protagonists and the outlet of the black people.
    Key Words: black American dream, self-identity, 
    Acknowledgments.... i
    Abstract.. ii
    摘要... iii
    2 Literature Review ...3
    2.1 American Dream3
    2.2 Black American Dream....3
    2.3 Native Son and Invisible Man5
    3 Pursuit of the dream6
    3.1 Blackness in Whiteness...6
    3.2 Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison...8
    4 The search for black American identity..10
    4.1 Outset of the Dream..10
    4.2 Continuation of the Dream..13
    4.3 Disillusionment of the Dream..15
    5 Realistic Significance..19
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