
     1.    Introduction
    In the process of acculturation, the black people has strongly influenced by white American dream. They have a burning desire to form a unique ideals and ambitions of their own dreams. Black American dream is an essential component of the general American dream. The black people’s pursuit of American dreams can be regarded as their yearning for human rights, racial equality and social justice. The hard progress of black American dream is full of bitterness and tears.
    Black literature has recorded all of it and has been profoundly branded by American history and society. Black literature formed its own literary tradition, concepts, character and context, which make it very important and particular part of American literature. Richard Wright is an outstanding American novelist, in his literary works---Native Son, creates the images of the black people living in the lower class, low-middle class and middle class, reveals respective American dreams of them based on their social positions, and explores the reasons that their dreams are disrupted. In his novel the protagonist Bigger has a great fear when facing white man, but he is so brave to fight against with white man with his courage and wisdom. Invisible Man is the American writer Ralph Ellison‘s only full-length novel in his whole life. This novel reveals the blacks lived in a society dominated by white people in an ignorantly situation while he strived to find out a possible way to extricate from such plight by self-exploration in the society. The novel is about a nameless black young people’s life experience. The author pointed out that no matter one person is white or black, if he gets lost, he would finally become an “invisible” man. Both Native Son and Invisible Man are written with the themes of the black people. They disclose the black people’s destiny and reflect the reality of American society. In these two novels Wright and Elision raise the outlet of blacks in American society, and attack a blind eye to the existence of blacks in white world.
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