    摘 要在国际商务谈判中,由于中美两国存在着巨大的文化差异,很可能会出现误解和文化冲突,这直接影响到谈判的实际效果。因此,如何正确处理中美文化差异是非常重要的。本文在分析中美文化差异—语言行为和非语言行为的差异,思文方式的差异以及价值观的差异的基础上,探讨了这些文化差异对中美商务谈判的影响,并提出了相应的对策,即使用务实语言、简化礼仪、作出弹性承诺、解决方案多样化等,以期有利于促进中美贸易的顺利发展。35644
    毕业论文关键词: 中美文化差异;商务谈判;影响;对策
    Abstract In international business negotiations, the huge cultural differences between China and the U.S. may give rise to misunderstandings and potential cultural conflicts, which directly affects the actual effect of business negotiations. Therefore, how to solve the Sino-US cultural differences in business negotiations is very important. This paper firstly makes a comparative analysis on the cultural differences between China and the US, such as different verbal and nonverbal behaviors, different thinking modes and different values. Then it explores the influences of cultural differences on Sino-US business negotiations, and finally proposes some countermeasures which include using pragmatic language, simplifying etiquette, making an elastic commitment, proposing persified solutions and so on, so as to help promote the smooth development of Sino-US trades.
    Key words: Sino-US cultural differences; business negotiations; influences; countermeasures
     An Analysis on the Influences of Sino-US Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Cultural Differences Between China and the United States    2
    2.1 Different Verbal and Non-verbal Behaviors.    3
    2.2 Different Thinking Modes    4
    2.3 Different Values    5
    III. The Influences of Sino-US Cultural Differences on Business Negotiations    5
    3.1 The Influence of Different Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors on Business Negotiations    6
    3.2 The Influence of Different Thinking Modes on Business Negotiations    7
    3.3 The Influence of Different Values on Business Negotiations    8
    IV. Countermeasures to Cultural Barriers in Sino-US Business Negotiations    9
    4.1 Making a Sufficient Plan    9
    4.2 Being a Good Listener.    10
    4.3 Using Pragmatic Language.    10
    4.4 Propsing Diversified Solutions.    10
    4.5 Elastic Commitment    11
    4.6 Etiquette Simplification    11
    4.7 Tolerance and Understanding    11
    V. Conclusion    11
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    I. Introduction

    With the development of international trades, commercial negotiation between China and the US has become increasingly frequent. To make bilateral negotiations more fluent, a research on Sino-American cultural differences is very necessary. In business negotiations, the two sides need to enhance sensitivity to differences of culture such as the different values between the two nations, negotiating styles, negotiation strategies in order to achieve a double-win agreement. Studying the influence of Sino-US cultural differences on international business negotiations is helpful to promote the development of China’s foreign trade.           
    Researches on the impact of cultural differences on international business negotiations have already been done by many scholars. Wang Qingnan(185)analyzed the influences of cultural differences on international commercial negotiations and proposed some countermeasures. Wang Tengning(46)studied the influences of Sino-Western cultural differences on business negotiations. Lin Hai(110)explored the influence of cultural differences on Sino-US business negotiations. Liu Yuan(8)conducted a research on the cultural obstacles in international business negotiations and its countermeasures, and so on. However, these studies are not systematic and deep-going enough. Therefore, the author attempts to conduct a comprehensive study on the influences of cultural differences on Sino-US business negotiations and then put forward some specific countermeasures, so as to help reduce misunderstandings in international business negotiations.
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