    摘 要二十世纪中期以来,特别是七、八十年代后,翻译研究出现两个明显的趋向:一是翻译理论深深打上了交际理论的烙印,二是从重视语言的转换转向更重视文化的转换。在翻译实践中,由于文化背景,思文认知及语言文字习惯的差异,颜色词的翻译不可能达到完全对等。本文主要采用定性研究方法从英汉翻译中的颜色词入手,重点讨论文化背景下英汉翻译的非对应现象,并总结一些翻译策略,以期对以后的英语语言教学,翻译实践乃至跨文化交际有所帮助。35645
    Abstract Since the middle of twentieth century, especially after 1970s and 1980s, there have been two obvious tendencies in translation studies. One was the theory of translation that was deeply affected by communication theory, the other was the conversion from the emphasis on language to culture. Due to the difference in cultural background, cognitive thinking and language habits, the translation of color words cannot achieve completely equivalence in the practice of translation. This article mainly discusses the non-correspondence phenomenon in English and Chinese translation from the point of view of color words by using of qualitative analysis approach. Therefore, a tentative sub-categorization of the non-correspondence of color words was carried out. And some translation strategies will be summarized to improve helping English language teaching, translation practice and inter-cultural communication.
    Key words : non-correspondence; color words; cultural difference; translation strategy
    The Non-correspondence Phenomenon and Strategies in Chinese and English Translation
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Literature Review    2
     2.1 Non-correspondence    2
     2.2 Color Words    3
     2.3 Idioms    3
    III. Non-correspondence in Chinese and English Traslation——Take Color Words and Idioms for Instance    4
     3.1 General Differences in Chinese and English    4
     3.2 The Importance of Words and Color Words    4
      3.2.1 The Importance of Words    4
      3.2.2 The Importance of Color words    4
     3.3 The Importance of Translation    5
     3.4 Problems of Translation in Chinese and English    6
      3.4.1 Contextual Tones    6
      3.4.2 Differences in Cultural Background    6
     3.5 Non-correspondence in Color Words and Idioms    7
      3.5.1 Non-correspondence in Color Words    7
      3.5.2 Non-correspondence in Idioms    10
    IV. Translation Strategies of Non-correspondence Phenomenon    12
     4.1 Literal Translation    12
     4.2 Free Translation    12
     4.3 Fill Words    13
     4.4 Replacement    13
     4.5 Zero Translation    14
    V. Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    16
    Acknowledgments    17
    I. Introduction
    Chinese and English are the most abundant vocabulary language in the world with full-bodied unique Chinese and Western cultural atmosphere. For the translation studies, it should be carried out through vocabulary connotation.
    The cultural connotation of vocabulary is very rich between English and Chinese, while there is a big difference between the two languages because they belong to different families of languages. There are plenty of words that cannot be found the corresponding words in the two languages. Even though some of them can, there are still many differences on and cultural meaning. Finding out these of non-correspondence phenomenon, we can reduce the blocks in translation and improve the quality of translation, which contribute to the research of comparison in Chinese and English.
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