    Acknowledgements To complete the thesis, and hereby I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the following people for their selfless dedication and contribution to my thesis. Firstly, I obtain a lot of support from my teacher. Firstly, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to my academic supervisor, for her constant encouragement and scientific guidance, who has offered me valuable suggestions on my thesis, especially in the preparation of drafting, she provides me with helpful advice. Without her continual instruction, insightful criticism and professional guidance, the thesis cannot complete successfully.36238
    Secondly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the teachers who have ever taught me throughout my college years. Their profound knowledge of western cultures leads me into the world of culture, and also inspires me to exert myself in English learning.
    In addition, I deeply appreciate the contribution to this thesis made in various ways by my friends and classmates. For their sincere gratitude and great confidence in me, I can work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. 
    The Call of the Wild is one of Jack London’s most typical and excellent works, which shows the author’s concerns about the destruction of nature and animal abuse. For London believes that both nature and animals not only have intrinsic value, but also rely on each other. Based on the wildness, the behavior of Buck’s return is the symbol of the writer’s arousing for freedom. In the meantime, it is an urgent aspiration for people who are subdued by the social environment of that time. It conveys the author’s thoughts in writing. The essay attempts to comprehend London’s intention embodied in The Call of the Wild, including his criticism on anthropocentrism and the pursuit of the harmony between man and nature. To some extent, The Call of the Wild not only enhances the development of ecological literature at that time, but also draws more attention of the readers to concern for human-nature relationship.
    Key words:  Wildness, Critique, Anthropocentrism, Transcend
    毕业论文关键词:  荒野,批判,人类中心主义,超越
    Acknowledgements    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1    Introduction    1
    1.1    Brief Introduction of Jack London and The Call of the Wild    1
    1.2    Literature Review    2
    2    Brief Introduction of Anthropocentrism    5
    2.1    The Concept of Anthropocentrism    5
    2.2    The Nature of Anthropocentrism    5
    3    The Attitude of Anthropocentrism of the Characters in the novel    7
    3.1    The Abuse of Buck from A Stout Man in Red Sweater    7
    3.2    Animal’s Tragedy Caused by the Greed of the Gold Diggers    8
    3.3    The Consequence of the Selfishness of the Couple and Wife’s Brother    10
    4    Transcendence of Anthropocentrism in The Call of the Wild    12
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