    AbstractD.H. Laurence is a famous English novelist. Lawrence explores some issues,such as emotional health and instinct, in his novels. He is most famous for hismasterpiece of Sons and Lovers. The novel is definitely one of the most innovativeand controversial novels in the twentieth century and is a semi- autobiographical bookof Lawrence. This masterpiece arouses much attention from people around the worldsince it came out. In the novel, he displays the life of the pit family, the Morels. Theunhappy marriage leads to Mrs. Morel’s complete devotion to her son, Paul, whichconsequently attributes to Paul’s Oedipus Complex towards his mother and hissuffering from it a lot.From the perspective of ethical theory, the essay is aimed toanalyze the Oedipus complex in Paul Morel’s personal characters in details describedin the novel, to try to find out the profound reasons rooted in their family systems andto survey the roots of the deformed family relationships of the Morels and the collapseof their family system. On the basis of our contemporary common concepts, the essayattempts to make objective judgments on the concepts embodied in the novel.36345
    KeyWords: Oedipus complex ethical theory family system
    摘 要戴文•赫伯特•劳伦斯是著名的英国小说家。劳伦斯在他的作品中探讨了许多诸如情感健康、本能等话题。他最为著名的作品就是《儿子与情人》 。这部小说是 20世纪最具特色、饱受争议的小说作品之一。它是劳伦斯的半自传体小说。小说自问世以来,引起了世界范围内的普遍关注。在这本书中,他向我们描绘了矿工莫雷尔一家的生活。 不幸福的婚姻导致莫雷尔太太把自己全部的爱倾注到了儿子保罗身上,最终导致保罗对自己的母亲产生了俄狄浦斯情结,并为此承受许多痛苦。本论文旨在从论理学的角度出发,通过挖掘原著作品中的具体细节,分析论证主人公保罗•莫瑞尔身上折射出的俄狄浦斯情结,并试图从其家庭系统方面找到主人公的俄狄浦斯情结形成的原因。 探讨莫雷尔一家畸形的家庭关系及其家庭关系系统的崩塌的根源。基于我们的普遍伦理常识,本论文旨在对保罗•莫瑞尔的家庭中折射出的诸多家庭规范做出判断。
    毕业论文关键词:俄狄浦斯情结 伦理学理论 家庭系统
    Chapter One Oedipus Complex Embodied In Sons And Lovers2
    1.1 The Definition of Oedipus Complex..2
    1.2 Oedipus Complex Embodied in Paul Morel’s Character..2
    1.2.1 Over-intimate Connection Between Mother and Son2
    1.2.2 Paul’s Rejection to Other Females..4
    Chapter Two Family Reasons For His Oedipus Complex. ..5
    2.1 Tragic Marriage between the Morels. 5
    2.2 The Absence of Male Roles in His Life6
    2.3 Emotional Misleading from His Mother..7
    2.4 Collapse of Family Relationship System..,.8
    Chapter Three Ethical Relationship in Oedipus Complex and Negative Influences..9
    3.1 Ethical Family Relationships in Oedipus Complex ..10
    3.2 Negative Influences on Paul Morel’s Growth and Maturity10
    3.2.1 Little Private Space ………………10
    3.2.2 Disharmonious Grown-up Environment .,..11
    3.2.3 Blurry Cognition of Family Roles12
    Works Cited14
    Analysis of Paul Morel in Sons and LoversIntroductionSons and Lovers is definitely one of the most innovative and controversial novelsin the twentieth century and is a semi-autobiographical book of David HerbertLawrence. The whole story is set in a mine lot in Nottingham, which exhibits thefamily life of the Morel’s and a deformed family relationship among the familymembers. Due to the psychic disharmony with her husband, Mrs. Morel devotes allher love and affection to her second son, Paul Morel, which contributes to his tragiclove affairs. Although Paul Morel desires to establish a stable relationship, he is sobound to her mother’s monstrous love that he could never accept any girl until hismother’s death.This masterpiece arouses much attention from people around the world since itcame out. People across the world appreciate and analyze the novel from differentperspectives. Most of them focus on the psychological analysis of Oedipus Complexand combine it with Freud’s theory. Considering the reasons for Paul’s OedipusComplex, people contribute them to the industrial social background, deformed lovefrom his mother or limpness rooted in his personal characters.This essay is aimed to analyze the Oedipus Complex in Paul Morel’s personalcharacters in details described in the novel and try to find out the profound reasonsrooted in their family systems. From the perspective of literary ethical theory, theessay focuses on making judgments on the family norms appeared in Morel’s familyand pointing out its negative influences on children’ growth and maturity. Chapter One Oedipus Complex Embodied in Sons and Lovers
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