    Abstract Health, together with sustainable development, becomes the most popular hotissue among people. Governments, enterprises and citizens all throw themselves intoactivities of “ initiating green, protecting green and realizing green ”, and try their bestto protect our environment and advocate social sustainable development.In recent years, green marketing has become the new hot spot in the field ofmarketing, and more and more scholars conduct in-depth research on green marketing.However, the author find that few scholars conduct systematic research on the impactof enterprise’s green marketing on consumer’s brand identity. The customer is themost important strategic resource, and winning consumers’ identity is strongly relatedto corporate profits. Therefore, this paper chooses it as a major research objectivewhether green marketing has a positive impact on consumers’ brand identity.In this paper, empirical research methodology is adopted. Based on the promotedassumptions and a large number of references, the author gives operational definitionand measurement of these two variables about green marketing and brand recognition,and then designs questionnaire. Before distribution of formal questionnaire, pilotsurvey would be conducted to ensure the reliability of the questionnaire. The collecteddata are analyzed by EXCEL. Finally, the author concludes the relationship betweenthem: green marketing has a positive impact on brand identity.36346
    KeyWords: green demand green marketing brand identity
    摘要21 世纪,健康和可持续发展成为最受人们关注的两大热点,政府、企业和公民都在积极投身于“倡导绿色、保护绿色、实现绿色”的活动,为保护我们的环境和促进社会的持续发展而不懈努力。绿色营销成为近年来营销领域的新热点,越来越多的学者对绿色营销进行了深入的研究。 但是,笔者发现在对绿色营销的研究中,却少有学者对企业的绿色营销行为对消费者品牌认同的影响进行系统的研究,而顾客是企业最重要的策略性资源,赢得消费者的认同与企业获利生存息息相关。因此本文选择了将企业的绿色营销行为对消费者的品牌认同能否产生积极影响为文章的主要研究方向。本文采用实证研究的方法,在提出假设的基础上,本文依据大量的参考文献,提出了绿色营销行为与品牌认同这两个变量的操作性定义与衡量,进而进行了问卷的设计,并对所设计的问卷进行了预调查,保证了问卷的可靠性。 对收集上来的数据通过EXCEL 进行分析,然后再得出这两者的关系的结论:企业的绿色营销对消费者的品牌认同有积极影响。
    毕业论文关键词:绿色需求 绿色营销 品牌认同
    Chapter One Introduction1
    1.1 Background of the Study.1
    1.2 Objective and Range of the Study..2
    1.3 Purpose and Significance of the Study..2
    1.4 Process of the Study.3
    Chapter Two Literature Review4
    2.1 Green Marketing.4
    2.1.1 Basic Concept of Green Marketing4
    2.1.2 Green Marketing of Enterprise5
    2.1.3 Green Demand..6
    2.2 Brand Identity..7
    2.2.1 Definition of Brand Identity..7
    2.2.2 Building Theory of Brand Identity.9
    2.3 Studies at Home and Abroad..11
    Chapter Three Methodology.13
    3.1 Hypothesis.13
    3.2 Questionnaire Design14
    3.2.1 The Process of Questionnaire Design.14
    3.2.2 Operational Definition and Measurement of Variables14.
    3 Case Study17
    3.3.1 Brief Introduction of the Perfect.17
    3.3.2 Actions of Green Marketing of the Perfect..18 Green Production..18 Green Package.19 Green Office19 Green Activities..20
    Chapter Four Data Analysis..22
    4.1 Sample Analysis22
    4.2 Descriptive Statistical Analysis24
    Chapter Five: Conclusion31
    5.1 Conclusion31
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