摘 要在中学英语教学中,写作一直被视为一个最重要的环节,写作能力的高低反映出学习者综合运用语言的能力,但是,多年来英语写作是绝大多数学生学习的难点,也是教育工作者最为关注的问题。而元认知策略的目的是培养学生对自身英语水平和学习策略方面的意识,许多学者将元认知策略运用到教学中去。因此,本研究将元认知策略与中学英语写作教学相结合,帮助学生确立写作目标,选择写作方法,反思写作成果。通过应用得出,在中学英语写作教学中,运用元认知策略能够使学生反思自己的写作能力,激发写作动机,优化写作方式,增强自我监控,从而提高和改进学生英语写作水平,并为中学英语写作教学提供一个行之有效的研究方法。36960
毕业论文关键词:元认知策略;写作; 自我反思;自我监控
Abstract English writing is always regarded as the core of English teaching in middle school. And the level of English Writing can directly reflect the learners’ comprehensive ability of using language. But, English writing is still an obstacle for the most of the middle school students, and it also draws many teachers’ attention. And the purpose of metacognitive strategy is to cultivate students’ awareness of learning strategy and self-evaluation of English, so many scholars apply this strategy to English teaching. Therefore this research will combine the metacognitive with English teaching, which contributes to helping students to establish the writing goals and methods and reflect writing achievements. It can be concluded that in the process of the teaching of English writing, the use of metacognitive strategies can enable students to reflect their writing ability and motivate their writing purposes, as well as to optimize their writing styles and strengthen the ability of self-monitoring. Thus, it can improve and perfect the students’ writing proficiency, and provide an effective method for writing teaching in middle school.
Key words: metacognitive strategy; writing; self-reflection; self-monitoring
The Application of Metacognitive Strategies in English Writing Teaching in Middle Schools
摘 要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. The Theoretical Framework of the Study: The Metacognitive Strategy 2
2.1 The Definition and Classification of Metacognition 2
2.1.1The Definition of Metacognition 2
2.1.2 The Classification of Metacognition 3
2.2 Metacognitive Strategy 4
2.2.1 Planning Strategy 4
2.2.2 Monitoring Strategy 4
2.2.3 Assessment Strategy 4
2.3 Previous Researches on Metacognition 5
2.3.1 The Researches of the West 5
2.3.2 The Researches of China 6
2.4 The Status of Metacognitive Strategy in Writing 6
III. The Application of the Metacognitive Strategy in Middle School English Writing 7
3.1 The Application of Metacognitive Strategy in English Writing Teaching 7
3.1.1 Paragraph Practice 8
3.1.2 Make the Planning of Writing 9
3.1.3 Choose the Writing Strategy 9
3.1.4 Monitor the Writing Strategy 9
3.1.5 Evaluate the Writing Strategy 9
3.2 The Advantages and Problems of Metacognitive Strategy in Writing 10
3.2.1 The Advantages of Metacognition in English Writing 10
3.2.2 The Problems of Metacognition in English Writing 12
IV. The Importance of Metacognitive Strategy in English Writing 13
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