
    A piece of news headline in Reuters News says“Yao becoming elite big man”, here the translation version in Chinese is “姚明将成为NBA第一中锋”. Obviously “elite big man” has no full correspondence with “NBA第一中锋” in the source sentence, it is a translation by means of free translation. Another example is below: “Soccer Kicks off with Violence”, here “violence” is an abstract word, which means“暴力”, while the Chinese translation version is “足球开踢,拳打脚踢”, so the abstract word “暴力” becomes specific words“拳打脚踢”. In this way, it is more smooth and fluent in oral speaking and vision comfort and readers will understand the news headline in a better way. Another example is as follow: Yao-less NBA injures TV rating. The version of this news in Chinese can be freely translated to “姚明缺席NBA,挫伤电视收视率”. As the Chinese version does not correspond to the form but only correspond to the content in order to have the readers get a full understanding of the headline.
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