    摘 要90年代以来,越来越多的学者投身于大学校训的比较研究。大学校训反映出学校的传统和教育目标。它代表着一个大学的精神实质,也折射出一个民族的文化内涵。本文运用历史参照和统计分析的方法阐述了校训的定义、功能和文化特征,从文化内涵和价值取向两方面比较中英大学的校训文化,并总结了两国大学校训文化的差异。希望人们更好地了解中英大学校训文化的内涵。这不仅有利于大学文化的建设,也能帮助营造更好的育人氛围。40674
    Abstract Since the 1990s, an increasing number of scholars have devoted themselves to the field of comparative study of university mottoes. University motto is the condensed reflection of the university’s tradition and educational goals. It represents the spiritual essence of a university and reflects the connotation of a nation’s culture. With the methods of historical references and statistical analysis, this paper introduces the definition, functions and cultural characteristics of motto, compares Chinese and English university mottoes from the aspects of cultural connotation and value orientation and summarizes their differences. Hopefully better understanding of the cultural connotation in Chinese and English university mottoes can be obtained by people, which will not only contribute to the construction of better university culture, but also help to create a better atmosphere of cultivation students.
    Key words: university motto; motto culture; cultural connotation; value orientation
    Cultural Differences Between Chinese and English University Mottoes
    摘 要...i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. Motto Culture2
    2.1 Definition and Functions of University Mottoes2
    2.2 Characteristics of Motto Culture3
     2.2.1 Historical Significance3
     2.2.2 National Character4
     2.2.3 Educational Meaning5
     2.2.4 Expressivity6
    III. Contrast of Motto Culture Between Chinese and English Universities7
    3.1 Differences in Cultural Connotation7
     3.1.1 Confucianism vs. Christian7
     3.1.2 Morality vs. Science 8
    3.2 Differences in Value Orientation9
    3.2.1 Collectivism vs. Inpidualism9
    3.2.2 Empiricism vs. Truth11
    3.2.3 Frugality vs. Wealth..12
     3.2.4 Harmony vs. Challenge..13
    IV. Conclusion14
    I. Introduction

        It is widely known that university motto reflects the essential pursuit of a university; it is both the soul of a university and the central guidance in the construction of campus culture. Because of the close relation established between many Chinese and English universities, the cultural distinctions reflected from the mottoes can be easily seen. Different mottoes are not only the reflection of different civilizations, but also the mirror of people’s thought pattern in different countries and their traditions.
    Since the 1990s, an increasing number of scholars have devoted themselves to the field of comparative study of university mottoes. Not only the number has increased, but also the scope of researches has been widened. The researches of comparative study of mottoes of Chinese and English university mottoes universities have made some achievements. However, those studies are not comprehensive and profound since they are limited in both depth and breadth. And there has been no systematic study doing comparative analysis of Chinese and mottoes. With the help of documentation and using the methods of historical and statistical analysis, this paper intends to overcome the weak points of the present studies.
    In the modern society, the importance of exchanges in education among countries worldwide is no less than that in politics and economy. As the soul of campus culture and spirits, university mottoes do play a significant role in the society.
  1. 上一篇:试论英语课堂中合作学习模式对中学生学习情感的影响
  2. 下一篇:中美文化差异对中学英语课堂教学影响
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