
    Ⅱ. The Main Problems exist in the English Teaching

    2. 1 Less Teaching Time
    According to “Ebbinghaus forgetting curve”: a memorization of mnemonic material within 20 minutes forgotten 42%, 1 hour later forgotten 55. 8%, after 9 hours forgotten 64%, after 1 days forgotten 66.3%, 2 days later forgotten 72.2%, 6 days later forgotten 74. 6%, after 31 days forgotten 78. 9%. It shows that the regular pattern “quickly forgotten before they are slowly forgotten” forgetfulness, namely just learning knowledge if you don't remember, may forget more than half in just a few days. If timely remember, the memory likes strike while the iron is hot and not easy to forget so fast. There exists a universal problem that teaching time is too little in English Teaching. On the basis of teaching 18 weeks per semester, 4 hours per week, 40 minutes per lesson to calculate, only 48 hours (12 days) per student per semester time to learn English. Instead of saying that students have learned English for four years but rather that they have learned English for 384 hours (16 days). Meanwhile, the gap between the 4 lessons a week for 1 to 2 days. This phenomenon is contrary to the memory of the law, and has a serious impact on teaching effectiveness, resulting in many students who have learned English for one year later still cannot recognize and read the new words by themselves, not to mention communicating in English.
    2.2 The Teaching Concept of Teachers is Obsolete
    The new curriculum reform stressed that teachers should give a full play to dominant position of students, so that they take the initiative to participate in classroom teaching activities, learning by doing, not only feel a sense of accomplishment to obtain knowledge, but also feel the joy of acquiring knowledge in the process of acquiring knowledge, learning acquisition knowledge of the ways. But quite a lot of English teachers still stick to the dignity of the teaching profession and refuse to lend rostrum into the school activities of the children. They are worried that returning the class to students will bring difficulties to the management, so they would rather their thirsty at them stick it out. Class activities mainly about back to back practice mode, teachers are still the leading role of the classroom and students are passive learners.
    2.3 A Single Boring Form of Teaching
        In order to improve the teaching efficiency and implement the curriculum reform in the round, most schools are equipped with modern teaching equipment, which injects great vitality and vigor into the classroom teaching, also brings conditions for the full implementation of the education teaching reform and improve the efficiency of classroom teaching. But the modern equipment of the preparatory work is relatively laborious, so a lot of teachers think the equipment is unpractical and making courseware is inconvenient; they don’t want to spend time and energy changing the original mode of classroom teaching. As a result, a lot of teachers still adopt the traditional teaching mode. The long-term existence of the teaching form will inevitably result in lacking of emotional communication and students don’t have passion for English learning.
    2.4 The Single Form of Evaluation
    At present English teaching assessment of primary and secondary schools still remain in the summative assessment, its main performances are as follows: teachers excessively emphasize the selection function of evaluation and ignore the function of promoting the all round development of students; teachers take the language knowledge as the core and neglect the investigation of the students’ ability of practical application of the language; teachers take the test as the baton and teaching is still in the mire of “exam-oriented education”; they only pay attention to the evaluation of reflecting the learning results and neglect the evaluation of learning process of the students; take the student’s score as the only quantitative criteria; the evaluation concept based on subject and neglect the evaluation of learning interests, learning attitudes, learning strategies and cultural awareness of the students; in the evaluation activity the students act passive recipients and their study enthusiasm cannot be mobilized .
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