    ACKNOWLEGEMENTS Life is a long journey; the years at university are the most crucial in my life, which pave the way for my later meaningful life and the heyday of my career. Now i am on the threshold of graduation in a wink. Looking back to my four years of campus life, there are happiness and sorrows, ups and downs, but on the whole, it was full of colors and achievements, here i want to express my gratitude and thanks to those great and knowledgeable teachers: Associate Proin, Associate Pro.Sun hongying, Associate Pro.Liu Wenliang, Associate Pro.Zhao Xiaoling, Associate Pro. Huan Peixin,  Lecturer Chen Qinghua, Associate Pro.Liao Jing, Associate Pro and Associate Pro. Thank these teachers for equipping me with knowledge and also i learn that we should love and be responsible for our work from you.40974
    Since China has been a member country of WTO, the cooperation especially in business and trade with the U.S. is on the increase sharply. In 2015, China became for the first time the largest trading partner of America.As a result,The growing trade flow between the two peoples have reached a point when they have to strengthen in an urgent way their understandings of the other work values to realize efficient business cooperation, obtain larger trade benefits and maintain a more friendly relationship of commercial partner to the most extent. However, looking back the past,despite we have made great efforts and progress in our cross-cultural communication to American people, we still do not know well about each other in the workplace where the two peoples keep different professional ethic, convention and principles, which has caused various transnational commercial barriers and even heavy damages of the two countries and their companies.
    The study is composed of four parts. The first part makes a brief account of the study, including the background and significance, methods of the research, and literature review, which provides a favorable research environment. The second part puts forward theoretical framework that consists of four researchers’ achievements on work values and intercultural communication based on the analysis of literature review of the thesis above. More important is the next part, which studies Sino-American cultural differences on vocational values from some cases and cultural origins, that is, Chinese professional values are characteristic of conservative post-secularism and collectivism, while American professional values are featured in active post-materialism. The forth part makes a conclusion, generalizing the content above and giving some suggestions to practice intercultural communication in the workplace, for example, people should first know something about and respect the work values of the other people, and then learn from good points of American work values and inherit excellent traditional culture behind our own work values.
    Key words:work values, Sino-American cultural differences, intercultural communication, workplace
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