
    In the part of Literature Review and Analysis of Cultural Differences behind Chinese and American Work Values, the thesis will adopt the methods of connecting qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis. Based on the questionnaire surveys of work values of college students done by previous researchers, the thesis will summarize the general characteristics of people’s work values’ orientations in present society and exploratory factors, and show facts in an extremely clear way. On the other hand, the thesis will attach more importance to exploring Chinese and American work values and their distinctions from the theoretical level. In the analysis of cultural differences behind Chinese and American work values, the paper will take the approaches of classification analysis and case analysis so that the paper can present obviously the concrete differences of Chinese and American professional values.

    Qualitative analysis can make sure that the study of the article is true of the theoretical norms, especially scientificity and rationality. More importantly, it can tremendously enhance theoretical level of this thesis. Quantitative analysis depends on statistical data and builds up models to objectively and exactly indicate various phenomena. It can ensure the result of the research smooth and correct. A connection of the two methods above can reveal the inner relation of culture and phenomena. Classification analysis and case analysis in fact are very convenient way to research the vocational values, making the analysis more specific and better connection with the theories so that the article can get a convincing result.

    1.3    Literature Review
    The research achievements of work values in China are in great number, but something of fragmented. First, most of those researches focus on the career choice and career values of college students, lack of the study of work attitudes. Second, even if some are concerned with work, they are also limited to some specific work like nurse, teacher, athlete and so on, not within a universal scope. Third, there are not so many researches and studies of Sino-American cultural differences on Vocational Values. However, some people have made a lot of contributions to the research of work values. Yang Xiaoyan (2009) find in her research that because of different historical origins, different traditional foundations, and the infiltration of philosophical thoughts, China and the United States have developed quite different cultural value systems, which reflected in the workplace is taking different value priorities in the same situation, such as respect for authority, self-deprecating or self-presentational, interpersonal harmony or competition, people orientation or problem orientation, and being cautious or adventurous. She made suggestions for intercultural communication that Chinese people should be open to cultural persities and stick to our own culture values. Some people analyze specifically certain characteristic of Chinese work value, like Li Lulu and Fan Wen(2014). They thought Chinese work value is feature of conservative post-post-secularism while people from developed countries especially the U.S. have followed the work value of active post-materialism. Some studies made a comparison between the core of Chinese and American culture values--collectivism and inpidualism, which also get presented in the workplace (Cao Ruixia, Cao Yongrong, 2011; Ding Xinyu, 2010). Li Mingming (2007) probed deeply into an intercultural comparison between Sino-American cultural values, which gives me great inspirations to the study of contemporary Sino-American cultural differences on work values.
    2    Key Terms and Theoretical Framework
    2.1    Introductions of Key Terms
    After the paper prepares everything well for the theme, like discussion of its significance, methodology and previous researches, it starts its own studies about Sino-American cultural differences on vocational values with introductions of some terms such as what are work values and their structure, and with a general browse of intercultural communication studies of the two peoples so that the thesis can systematically and logically continue to next researches.
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