
    2.1.1    Definition of Work Values  
    From different perspectives, people can know about a society or community. As is known to all, Culture is the core of all factors to constitute a society and values the core of culture, so it is fundamentally paramount to explore its values when one gets to know a society. Moreover, the differences between different societies and cultures can be taken on the persities of their respective values to a large extent. Work values are a very important part of the whole values, playing a unique role in special social domains. In other words, people earn their lives by working, which simultaneously helps to materialize their social participation and secure social status, normal consumption, and health care. Profession is in fact characteristic of the main basic social activities and socioeconomic status. On the other hand, the changes of social structure correlate closely with the transition of professional structure, that is, if professional structure and values change, then a society is moving on.
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