
    The Application of “Same-Age Tutoring” to Vocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School Abstract This study applies Same-Age Tutoring into Vocabulary teaching in Junior Middle School and aims to testify the effectiveness of SAT in changing boring vocabulary learning and mechanical words reciting situation, in order to improve students’ learning skill and raise the interests of vocabulary learning. It is one innovation that through Same-Age Tutoring (SAT), this study puts cooperative learning into vocabulary teaching. During study, observation method and recording method will be adopted in my research. The study will last almost three months. The participants are volunteers who are from class 705 and studying in Cangqian Middle School now. The research data collected are analyzed by Microsoft Excel. After experiment, interview will be carried out to investigate the change in students’ attitude toward vocabulary learning. Through qualitative and quantitative analysis, research data implicates that after the experiment, the students in the experimental group are better at vocabulary memorizing and testing than before. Therefore, it is feasible to apply Same-Age Tutoring (SAT) in vocabulary teaching to improve students’ learning abilities and arouse their interests. 47373

    This  study  confirms  the  assumptions  of  the  author  and  achieves  the  intended  purpose. However, there are still several inadequacies in the experimental method and process which need to be further enhanced and improved. 

    Keywords: Same-Age Tutoring (SAT); English vocabulary teaching; junior middle school

     “同龄教学”在初中英语词汇教学的应用摘要本研究探讨将“同龄教学”(SAT)应用于初中英语词汇教学中并证明其能改变目前词汇学习的枯燥现状和学生机械背诵单词的低效方法,从而从真正意义上提高学生英语词汇的学习能力和兴趣。本研究的创新点在于将“同龄教学”(SAT)这一合作学习法与初中英语词汇教学相结合, 旨在通过观察法和录音法来探究SAT对于初中英语词汇教学的有效性。本研究采取定量、定性研究的方法,选取杭师大仓前实验中学初一(5)班某两组同学,展开“同龄教学”模式,并在实验结束后对组内成员进行合作学习的采访调查。研究数据表明,实验后学生对于英语词汇的记忆和运用水平普遍高于之前,将小组SAT应用于初中英语词汇教学中是行之有效的,它能够提高学生的英语学习能力和兴趣。




    1. Introduction 1

    2. Literature Review 3

    2.1 Related studies on Same-Age Tutoring at home and aboard 3

    2.2 Related researches on vocabulary teaching at home and Abroad 4

    3. Methodology 6

    3.1 Research questions 6

    3.2 Participants & Instruments 6

    3.3 Preparation of the experiment 6

    3.3.1 Mobilization 6

    3.3.2 Group building 6

    3.3.3 Role assignment 7

    3.4 Experiment procedures 7

    3.5 Evaluation 8

    3.5.1 The test papers, dictation, and recording

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