
    While in his medical practice, Hosseini started to write novels. Hosseini's “very fond memories of childhood” in peaceful pre-Soviet era Afghanistan, as well as his personal experiences with Afghanistan's Hazara people led to the writing of his first novel, The Kite Runner. Since its publication, it not only aroused universal interests in the literary field and readers at home, but also received good reputation abroad. It became the best seller and was translated into 55 different languages.  A Thousand Splendid Suns and And the Mountains Echoed are Hosseini’s another two novels after the release of The Kite Runner. Again, they are successfully welcomed and earn many rewards internationally.

    Due to 9.11 terrorist attacks, the attitude of the whole world towards Afghanistan and Islam became intense denunciation: this was especially true of the United States. At that time, the image of Afghanistan in the whole world’s eyes was occupied by chaos and death. So it was such a great opportunity for Hosseini to let Americans know the struggles and tribulations of Afghanistan. And there was no doubt that The Kite Runner was created under such cultural and social circumstances. This work obviously filled in a gap that the public to Islamic culture which didn’t recognized by the mainstream media. The profound humanistic concern in the novel greatly affected western readers who looked forward to crossing the barrier between Western culture and Mid Eastern culture. It is because of this sincere affection and heart-warming plots, both eastern and western people begin to have a deeper understanding to Afghan, to Afghanistan, and to the war.   Revealing a little known aspect of Afghanistan, this excellent novel carries the writer’s aspiration for peace as well as his deep love of the native land.

    Taking us back to over the past quarter century in Afghanistan, The Kite Runner tells a story of fierce cruelty and fierce yet redeeming love between two Afghan boys, Amir and Hassan. Raised by the same wet nurse and grow up in the same family, however, Amir and Hassan have totally different personalities. Born as the only son of a rich and prestigious man, Amir was an offspring of Pushtans, with the character of coward, irresolution and good heart; while Hassan, as a servant and offspring of Hazaras, has the character of loyalty, bravery and endurance. Hassan is faithful to Amir and treats him as his best friend, but Amir does not, he only thinks him as his servant and playmate. However, Amir’s father who is a real man dislikes his personality and shows preference to Hassan which makes Amir feel jealous of Hassan and even hate him. In order to steal back Baba’s love, in a kite-fighting tournament, after witnessing Hassan is bullied by Assef, Amir stands aside and runs away. Sinking into unforgivable betrayal, Amir finds it difficult to face his loyal servant any more that he finally contrives to drive away Hassan and Ali with a snare which is ridiculous enough to let him regret in the rest of life. After that, Afghanistan sinks into big danger because of the Soviet Union’s invasion. Amir and Baba have to leave their motherland and flee to the United States where they spend the rest of their lives. After graduation, Amir successfully becomes a writer and gets married with Soraya. However, a call from Rahim Khan, Baba’s best friend, breaks Amir’s peaceful life and makes him decide to step on “a way to be good again” and goes back to his native land where was badly damaged by the cruel war. It is such a crucial decision that makes Amir be able to have a chance that could redeem himself. After returning back to Afghanistan, the nostalgic feeling buried at bottom of heart floods him so that makes him realize he still loves his country in spite that it is beyond recognition. At that moment, Afghanistan is controlled by Taliban whose brutal political dominance makes people in an abyss of misery. And Amir is informed that Hassan is his consanguineous brother. After knowing that Hassan maintains his promise “For you, a thousand times over” throughout all his life and is killed by Taliban in order to protect their previous house, the guilty guy decides to be brave and fulfill his redemption by saving Hassan’s son Sohrab out of sufferings and bringing him up.

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