
    Embodiment of Culture-loaded Words in Movie Subtitle Translation--A Study on Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon from Skopostheorie  Abstract As a strong bridge in promoting cultural communication, movies have been deeply accepted by the masscult. Thanks to the development of domestic movie industry and increasingly culture-shared globalization, a large quantity of movies has been exported abroad. In order to localize these products, movie subtitle translation acts a role of vital importance. However, in this area, China lags behind other western countries. Most of us are familiar with the movie Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, directed by Ang Lee, which won a warm applause in its first world-wide show and set a foreign movie box-office record in North America and taking in more than $100 million. The success, to some extent, was contributed by the English subtitles. The translator retained the Chinese characteristics and met the taste of target audiences withal. Undoubtedly, it’s the precise phraseology and effective translation strategies help the native take in profoundly. The main purpose of this paper is from Skopostheorie to present a clear and concise subtitle translation concept and strategies on culture-loaded words, by an analysis of a case.47887

    Keywords: movies subtitle translation; Skopostheorie; culture-loaded words; subtitle translation concept; translation strategies


    摘  要电影作为促进文化交流的桥梁已经被越来越多的人所接受。国内电影产业的兴起以及日益紧密的文化全球化,大量的优秀作品被销往世界各地。而为了能更好得使电影本土化,字幕翻译就成了至关重要的一个环节。然而,中国在这个领域却落后于诸多西方国家。李安导演的电影《卧虎藏龙》,上映后即赢得普遍的好评并已超过一亿美元的票房一举打破外国电影在北美的票房纪录。其中电影字幕的翻译一定程度上给电影添彩不少。译者在尽可能保留中国元素的同时,又迎合了当地观众的口。毫无疑问,字幕的恰到好处让影片最大程度的被当地文化所接受。本文旨在通过一个具体的案例分析,从目的论角度出发,说明电影字幕中文化负载词翻译的概念和翻译策略。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Researches both at Home and Abroad 1

    1.1.1 Movies Subtitle Translation Studies Abroad...1

    1.1.2 Movies Subtitle Translation Studies in China.2

    1.2 The Concept of Movies Subtitle Translation.3

    1.3 The definition of Culture-loaded Words3

    2. Typical Characteristics of Movies Subtitle Translation 5

    2.1 Instantaneity 5

    2.2 Popularity…… 5

    2.3 Comprehensiveness5

    2.4 Exchange of Culture 6

    3. Skopostheorie and Movies Subtitle Translation 7

    3.1 Introduction of Skopostheorie 7

    3.2 Three Basic Rules 7

    3.2.1 The Skopos Rule 7

    3.2.2 The Coherence Rule 8

    3.2.3 The Loyalty Principle 8

    3.3 The Influence of Skopostheorie to Movies Subtitle Translation 8

    4. A Study of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon from Skopostheorie 9

    4.1 Literal Translation and Transliteration

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