

    毕业论文关键词: 阅读技巧和方法;英语阅读教学;英语阅读实践

    Abstract Learning reading skills is an important part of English learning and teaching, teachers should pay attention to the teaching of reading, especially for introducing middle school reading skills and methods. In English teaching in middle school, students think that it is difficult to learn reading, one of the main reasons is that they lack the reasonable, multi-layered reading methods and techniques, thus leading to a lack of confidence in reading and independent reading ability. Reading is not passive, receptive language activities, but a positive and creative thinking, so when training and developing students’ reading ability, teachers cannot blindly ask "hard, fast", and should emphasize the ease, flexible skills. Various reading methods enable students to improve the reading ability. This paper is based on the educational objectives taxonomy cognitive analysis on the connotation of reading comprehension and used the basic idea of teaching. This combination of theory and practice of effective reading skills makes recommendations for English reading skills in the classroom,  which helps to improve students ’ reading achievement.

    Key words:Reading methods and techniques; Reading teaching; Reading practice  

     The Influences of English Reading Skills on Middle School English Teaching 


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. The Training of Reading Strategy 2

    2.1 The Concept of Reading Strategies and Skill 2

    2.2 The Classification of Reading Skills and Reading Strategies 3

    III. The Models of the Reading Teaching 9

    3.1 The Understanding of the Reading Teaching Models 9

    3.2 The Organization of Teaching Activities 10

    IV. The Application of Reading Skills in the Class 11

    4.2 The Design of Reading Teaching 11

    4.3 The Forms of Reading Comprehension Activities 11

    4.4 The Design of Reading Activities 12

    4.5 The Analysis and Synthesis of Reading Activities 12

    V. Conclusion 17

    Bibliography 19

    Acknowledgements 20

     I. Introduction

       Reading is the most commonly used means of access to information, is also one of the main objectives of English teaching skills. Teachers emphasize reading instruction, but students’ English reading comprehension seems to not meet their life and work needs. There naturally have their reasons, for example, teaching materials and test evaluation of reasons, but what is more important is the teaching of reading.,源Z自L优尔:文,论/文]网[www.youerw.com

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